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We Love Gold Canyon!

Ken and Michelle Rodrigue moved to Arizona in August of 2001. We are from Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Yes, it was those frigid winters that sent us us to the amazing Sonoran Desert. After having spent two months searching the entire Valley, we found Gold Canyon. Just one drive into this beautiful community convinced us that we had found our new home. Leaving New England with no home or jobs to go to was the best adventure of our lives. Half of our friends thought we were crazy and the other half envied our sense of adventure. We both came from accounting bakgrounds and so found employment in that field, but soon after decided to get licensed as real estate agents in our new land of opportunity. This is the greatest place to sell homes. The people we meet are from every corner of the USA and come with so much expectation. None have been disappointed in the way of life here. They say that New Englanders always return home, but we know that Gold Canyon has got a grip on us and it will never let go.

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Registered: 03/26/2006
Last login: 08/21/2006
Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor
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