Profile for dennisrhanna58

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Meet Your Coordinator

Hi! I wanted to introduce myself as your neighborhood coordinator. I am originally from Oklahoma (Go Sooners!). I am a graduate of Fort Hays State University in Kansas. I did my graduate work at Southern Methodist University in Dallas TX, and graduated from Saint Paul School of Theology here in Kansas City. I live in the Blue Valley Neighborhood with my wife Nan and our dog Jazzy. I am excited to be a part of this growing and vibrant organization. I believe our possibilities are endless, limited only by our imaginations. If you are not yet a member, please join. We're going to have fun! Come Grow With Us!

Registered: 01/05/2005
Last login: 03/20/2005
Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor
Activity on Neighborhood Link
Discussion Posts: 5 (3 topics, 2 replies)
Pages Created: 13
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