Free Credit Score - Avoid Scams, Get Your Credit Report for Free


Get your credit report for free. Avoid companies offering scam "free credit check scores" that charge a fee - often every month!

Get Your Credit Reports and Credit Scores for Free

Be very careful when checking your credit reports. There are many companies offering "free credit check scores" or "instant credit reports". Most, if not all, of these companies services are not free. Many make it very easy to sign up with a monthly fee, while making it very difficult to stop the so-called subscription or membership.

There is no reason to pay to review any of your credit score reports. Your credit reports are available to you for free. To get your truly free credit reports, go to

Get Each Credit Report for Free Every 12 Months

You can receive one free credit report every 12 months from each of the three nationwide consumer credit reporting companies.

There is no reason to pay to review any of your credit score reports. Your credit reports are available to you for free. To get your truly free credit reports, go to

Order All Credit Reports at the Same Time or Space Them Out?

FICO - The Only Score That Matters

There advantages and disadvantages to ordering all three reports at the same time. If you order all three at the same time, you can compare them. The disadvantage of all ordering all three at once is that you will have to wait 12 months to order a free credit report.

If you order one every four months, you will not be able to compare them. However you will be able to track any changes or new information that may appear in your credit history more frequently. If inaccurate information appears in a report, you will see it in a few months, rather than waiting a year to see all three reports.

If you find inaccurate information on your credit report, contact the credit reporting company immediately.

You can order one or all three of your reports from You can order all three credit reports at once, or if you order just one report, you can wait to order the others. Either way, you can get each credit report for free every 12 months.

What Is a Credit Score?

Your credit score is a complex mathematical algorithm, or model, that evaluates your financial information and financial history. This information is compiled into a credit file disclosure, often called a credit report.

Your credit history is collected by three separate consumer reporting companies into three separate credit reports, also called credit file disclosures. Each of these consumer credit reporting companies measure and rate your financial history current circumstances, and give you a credit score from 550 to 850. A credit rating score of over 700 is considered good and relatively low risk. A credit score under 600 is rated as bad, representing a higher risk to the lending institution.

Your credit report and credit score numbers are used by lenders and other institutions to determine if you are qualified for a given loan or service, such a credit card, home loan, or even an apartment rental. Your credit score is a way for a company to estimate the risk they are extending by lending you money or providing you with their service. Basically, a company wants to evaluate whether you are likely going to make your payments. The higher your credit score, the less risk you represent, and the more likely you will fulfill your financial obligations with the lender.

What Else Is in Your Credit Report?

Your credit report includes a record of every company that has asked for and received your credit report - called "inquiries" in the report.

Your credit report also includes information that is not provided to lenders and other third parties. This information not disclosed to other parties includes inquiries for pre-approved credit and inquiries about insurance. Any medical information is also kept from third party review.

What Are the Three Credit Reports?

The three consumer credit reporting companies that provide your three credit reports are:

The information on each of these reports can be different, and each can be reviewed by lending, credit, and other institutions concerned with your credit history.

Again, if you find inaccurate information on your credit report, contact the credit reporting company immediately.

How to Keep a Healthy Credit Report

The best credit scores are born from healthy financial lifestyles. The two most important factors in establishing good credit are paying your bills on time and avoiding negative information in your credit history such as collection agencies and bankruptcy. With a good credit score, you have managed your credit lines very carefully, you are not in a lot of debt, and you only open new lines of credit when necessary.

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Source: Neighborhood Link
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