Woodlake Neighborhood Association

WHA Newsletter for April 2001

Apr 19, 2001

Woodlake Newsletter

Woodlake Homeowners Association, P.O. Box 5, Converse, Texas 78109


and have you noticed? It?’s starting to happen! Our first "Working Meeting" of the new year was held on February 8th. We were pleased with the turnout and made substantial progress in sprucing up the appearance of our neighborhood. A team of Tom Passamonte, Fran Holstein, JoAnn Zepeda, and Eli and Matt Laa took on the Woodglen entry drive (between FM 78 and Woodlake Baptist Church), mowing the two islands and surrounding side areas and cleaning up debris in the entire area. A team of Richard and Alice Baldarrama and Nick Williams did the same on the entrance drive of Lakeview from Foster Road to Lakebend West (across from the car wash and business row). Ralph Robinson assembled the new WHA weed killer sprayer that Ben Chappell used to treat the area around the Woodglen entrance after mowing and cleanup. Maria Locastro, Deputy Luis Lopez of the Bexar County Sheriff?’s Office and a team of workers brought by Deputy Lopez, mowed and picked up litter over the entire Woodfield Drive entry area (between Burger King and Blockbuster to Lakebend), and then Maria rode the WHA lawnmower for several additional hours to mow the entire area east of Woodfield Drive to the school. Also, Maria mowed the field running along Lakebend to the west of the area from Stone Lake to around Lake Cliff and Ben Chappell picked up litter in that area. JoAnn Chappell did a wonderful job of keeping the troops refreshed with bottled ice water and cookies. Last, but certainly not least, Herman "Smitty" Smith loaded all the debris bags into his truck and disposed of them for us. At our second "Working Meeting" on March 8th we made some

good progress in beautifying Lakeview. Maria Locastro, Jose Morell, Alice Baldaramma, Mary Wigle and her son Nicholas, Fran Holstein, Patrick Atkerson and his daughter Meagan, Ben Chappell, and Ralph Robinson worked to clean and mow the common area along Lakeview between Lakebend West and Lakebend East. The WHA thanks Alonzo McKinney, Larry Maul and all these folks who gave their time to these very worthwhile projects and hopes to see YOU at one or more of our upcoming "Working Meetings:" May 10th @ 7:00 p.m., June 14th @ 7:00 p.m., August 9th @ 7:00 p.m., September 13th @ 7:00 p.m., and November 8th @ 5:30 p.m. It goes without saying, the more of us coming out to work together, the more we will get done - and we?’re having fun doing it!

Easter Sunrise Service

The church family at Woodlake Baptist invites everyone in our community to Easter services on April 15th. There will be three services: 7:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m., and 11:00 a.m. At 7:00 a.m. there will be a sunrise service followed by breakfast (provided by the church). Following breakfast there will be a time of musical entertainment and a motivational thought for the day starting at 9:00 a.m. At 11:00 a.m. there will be a regular worship service, including the Lord?’s Supper. As the new pastor in this community, I look forward to meeting you in the days ahead. You don?’t have to wait until Easter to visit; our doors are always open for you and your family. Pastor Jack Hulsey.


Did you know that your homeowners association has a web site? Check it out at, http://www.sat.neighborhoodlink.com. You can post your comments about our neighborhood or association on the Woodlake Discussion page. You will also find many very useful links to things like a community calendar, WHA information and a membership application, local government information, police and other community links. And special thanks to Nick Williams for making our web site one of the finest in the northeast area!


The WHA is proud to announce it will soon begin a Yard of the Month recognition Program. Crump?’s Ace Hardware, conveniently located on FM 78, has generously offered to donate a sign to be displayed in the winner?’s yard and a $25.00 gift certificate to use in the store. Yards that are attractive, helping to bring a sense of pride to our community, and yards that have shown exemplary improvement are eligible for this award. If there is a yard you would like to nominate for Crump?’s Ace Hardware, Woodlake Yard of the Month Award, please e-mail Patrick Atkerson at pat_atkerson@juno.com, or mail your written nomination to the WHA.

Home Security Check

The Bexar County Sheriff?’s Office provides Home Security Checks to homeowners, free of charge. A Sheriff?’s Deputy will come to your home and point out the "soft" spots, i.e., easy ways a thief can more easily obtain access to the inside of your home. The deputy will also provide recommendations and suggestions for steps you can take to make your home harder to break into. In addition to securing your home, and peace of mind, you may also be able to secure a discount on your homeowners?’ insurance premium! This author did and the savings the first year more than made up for the cost of implementing the deputy?’s suggestions. If you would like to schedule an inspection call 465-0495.

Blood Drive

The South Texas Regional Blood Bank will hold a Blood Drive beginning at noon on Sunday, July 1st 2001 at Woodlake Baptist Church. There is an ongoing, critical shortage of blood in this area so please come donate if you can.

WHA Adopt ?–A-Spot Program

As a voluntary homeowners?’ association, the best way to make a long term difference in keeping our neighborhood up is for individuals in the community to "pick your spot" and take pride in keeping up just that spot. It?’s already begun. Ben Chappell and Maria Locastro have adopted the common area entry on Woodfield Dr., and Eli Laa and George Becquet have adopted the entry area and "islands" on Woodglen. It means these areas will be mowed and cleaned at least monthly. If you (or you and a "teammate") are willing to adopt an area, please contact WHA Chairperson for Streets and Maintenance, Maria Locastro, at 661-3275.

Election Judges Needed

Gatekeepers of Democracy! Due to an expanded number of precincts, election judges are needed throughout Bexar County. An election judge is the primary official at a polling site assuring fair and equitable access for all voters to the democratic process. A judge must be a registered voter, or have made application, in the Bexar County precinct in which you serve, attend a day-long training session, and pass an end-of-training exam. Compensation is $6.00/hr for both Judges and Alternates and a bonus of $25.00 is paid to the Judge that brings in the returns. Contact the Bexar County Clerk?’s Election Office, 335-0362, for information and applications.


Full Page $ 100.00

Half Page $ 50.00

Quarter Page $ 25.00

Business Card Size $ 12.50

Smaller $ 5.00

Ads are free for minors (18 & younger) offering general services. To run an ad in the Woodlake Newsletter please send your ready-to-print copy to our post office box with a check or money order made out to the Woodlake Homeowners?’ Association. Copy deadline for the next issue is June 15, 2001.

Woodlake Yellow Pages*

Amway Ralph Robinson 662-9065

Avon Jeanette Williams 661-2132

Chef Consultant Dawn Porter 661-4293

Childcare/After School Jackie Barden 662-9097

Computer Services Dan Whitworth 662-6967

Computer Software Patrick Wigle 662-8794

Concealed Handgun Tng George Becquet 661-8862

Financial Advisor Rebecca Martinez 349-1763

Home Nurse Lori Meizark 666-9837

Locksmith Norman Meizark 666-9837

Monogramming James Babb 661-6672

Music Lessons Mary Esther Music Studio 310-0011

Mail order Gifts Nick Williams 666-5979

Pet/House Sitter Mary Rivera 662-0649

Pre-School Janice Hardin 661-5117

REALTOR Mike Boyd 661-2872

REALTOR George McFerren 662-7355

REALTOR Margaret Vasquez 661-0355

Roofing Ray Hennigar 661-9623

Shaklee/Nature Sunshine Herbs Mary Rivera 662-0649

*The WHA does not endorse or recommend any of the products or services provided by the above named individuals. The WHA provides Woodlake Yellow Pages as a point of interest only.



EMS, Sheriff, Fire ....................................................911

Poison Control .........................800-764-7661/616-2078


Bexar County Sheriff?’s Dept .........................270-6000

Kirby Fire Department .........................661-3189/8515

Crime Prevention/Gang Activities ................599-4085

Auto Theft / Criminal Investigations ............270-6070

Road & Sidewalk Maintenance

Bexar County Public Works ..........................335-6700

N.E. Service Center .........................................465-0512


Bexar County Commissioner, Precinct 4 ......335-2614

Voter Registration ...........................................335-6625

CPS Utilities .....................................................353-4357

SAWS Water ...................................................227-6143

Animal Control ...............................................737-1442

Dead Animal Pick-up ......................................522-8831

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