Village Of Valleyview

For Valleyviewers

Posted in: Village Of Valleyview
I haven't figured out yet who you are, but the people controling this site know. Watkins told everyone before, that no matter what they said about me, I would never be told who they were. When you registered for this site you gave your name and address.
I know WHO you are not !

The ''grapevine'' in Valleyview is huge. You have those who have had personal experiences with the mayor and police, you have friends of residents who ask you not to give names for fear of retribution.

I have been told and been present when false charges were filed. I have been told of intimidation while in jail. I have been intimidated. I have heard of officers taking cash for traffic stops. I was told of officers tearing up tickets instead of voiding them. These could be the ones where cash was taken. Even in Valleyview, it was said at a council meeting by Roger Myers, those Mexicans have a wad on money on them. How would an officer know that? What if you were locked in a HOT cruiser while the officers went into a strip bar? What if you were sprayed in the face numerous times and not allowed to wash your face as it states in the General Orders of the police and then put in a hot cruiser? What if you found an officer carried marijuana to plant on suspects? What if an officer asked for teenage girls phone numbers, and the parents are afraid to report it? It would be terrible to live in a place like this. You would not know who to trust.

When I was going to run for mayor, I was told by an very reputable resident, to be very careful. This person as ties to past and current council members and really knows were the bodies are buried. I guess this person was right.
It is a shame they won't go public.

I was threatened with arson by Tom Watkins. He and others threatened and libeled me on the internet. I hope they don't think I have forgotten. They know I don't have to money for an attorney at this time.

How can a community of 600 people think that a hand full of crooks can hurt them, if they stick together? Valleyview could go back to being a very nice place to raise your children.
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Valleyview Is Improving

Valleyview is improving and is becoming again that nice place that people want to raise their children and feel good about thier neighbors.

The current Village administration is addressing problems of the past and putting in place procedures and oversight to prevent problems of the past from being repeated. Instead of only complaining about something, the Village Council has taken action.

The Village Government is more open than it has every been. Residents may come to the Village Hall and look at the records for themselves if they have questions.

It is the job of the Village Council to prevent some of the allegations that Ms. White is making from happening. If it is found that any employee of the Village is doing such things they need to be removed and charges filed. I believe that is what would happen today. Council is not sitting back, but is taking an active role in the running of the Village as they should have in the past. I cannot change the past, but I can prevent problems from happening or putting procedures in place to address the problems if they do happen.

I believe Valleyview is better now than it has been in the last 15 years. That is because of the hard work of the Village Administration each taking responsibility for their jobs and seeing that those jobs are followed through.

Valleyview is a place residents can take pride in and raise a family. As always, people should consider the source of allegations and ask questions of the Council Members and Mayor.

If you have questions please contact me and I will find the answer for you. If I do not have the answer readily handy I will find it for you and get it to you. I encouarge everyone to attend council and committee meetings. Ask questions.
PLEASE !! Consider the Source

I would consider the sourse when listening to any of you.

Your motives are to keep people in power who have no intention of telling the truth about Watkins and the police officers.

Watkins even lied about his education job history.

You think he is going to tell the truth about anything else? Do you think he will put his freedom at risk by telling his secrets?

Do you think the people who told me the things listed in my posting will come forward? They hung me out to dry. They let you, Watkins and your friends lie, libel and threaten me.

Paul says, ''The Village Government is more open than it has ever been.''

It will always be ''closed'' to the residents as long as the same people are running the Village.

If Paul is as open to communication with the residents and the problems as I was, several of the people in power would not be there. You can't hide things from the residents forever.

The residents will not see a difference and have pride in themselves and the Village until they come out in the open and speak up.

Do you really know who your friends are Paul?

I tried to get the people who told me things to speak up. I kept thier confidance. There is going to come time for me to name names. They can answer in court under oath when I am sued.

The residents in Valleyview do not deserve to be kept in the dark by their so called friends.
I think I missed a lot here!

I had not heard some of the things you've listed here & now I am even more concerned about the safety of our community! The racist comment made by Roger Myers had a logical explanation; if you are searching a suspect, you'd obviously be in a position to access ''cash wads''. I would think a public servant would refrain from making racial slurs in documented meetings (I suppose he could've used worse terms than ''Mexicans''), but it appears he felt safe in expressing his prejudice in the group setting? I'd heard a rumor about the strip joint, but the information about teenage girls took me by surprise-- guess I need to talk to my kids considering I've always taught them to trust police are there to help you. Makes me feel comfortable having the officers respond to late night calls when they could see her in sleep attire! I can't say I feel sorry for a maced criminal; don't like the punishment, don't break the law. I would hope that the suspect's actions warranted chemical spray rather than the officer's dislike of the suspect?
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