Does anyone else notice this...when I am driving east on Memory Lane and the school buses are unloading on the north side of the street and their STOP signs are displayed and flashing, no other cars except mine will stop. Cars buzz past me and around me no matter what lane they are in. Westbound cars are more apt to stop because they are ''behind'' the bus stop. What's up with this?
Another concern is crossing eastbound at the Bristol in the rt. turn only lane going straight through the intersection against the signs, dangerous to cars lawfully crossing. Also, why is every car approaching Memory Lane & Flower before 9AM turning right (against the posted rule)??? Are the police aware of this? They used to sit at Flower St. and ticket every car turning we see no police. Why?
Another concern is crossing eastbound at the Bristol in the rt. turn only lane going straight through the intersection against the signs, dangerous to cars lawfully crossing. Also, why is every car approaching Memory Lane & Flower before 9AM turning right (against the posted rule)??? Are the police aware of this? They used to sit at Flower St. and ticket every car turning we see no police. Why?