Spring Falls HOA

Storm Debris Pick-up

Free curbside Pick-up for all Jefferson County residents

Place all tree and shrub debris out next to the curb. Metro services will be conducted free curbside pick-up of storm debris for all Jefferson County homes. Pick-up starts Feb 9th. Be Ready.

Frequently Asked Questions about Curb Side Storm Debris Collection

Q: Why are there so few drop off sites around the county and none close to J-town, Fern Creek, Fisherville, Douglass Hills, etc.?
A: Because there will be curbside debris pickup by Metro Public Works.

Q: Is Public Works only collecting storm debris in the “old city”?
A: No, Public Works will go up and down every street in Jefferson County and collect storm debris. All of District 20 will be included in the curbside pickup program.

Q: What do I have to do for my storm debris to be picked up at my curb?
A: You are asked to cut limbs into lengths of no more than six feet, bundle smaller branches together and move them to the right-of-way along the street.

Q: Will Public Works collect storm debris from around my property?
A: No, all debris must be piled neatly in the right-of-way along the street. They will not pick up limbs scattered around your property.

Q: When does curb side pickup start?
A: Public Works will begin curbside pickup on Monday, February 9th. They will work until every street in Jefferson County is reached, the process will likely take two months.

Q: When will Public Works come to my house?
A: Because the amount of debris is so large and unevenly dispersed throughout our community, Public Works cannot give residents an exact date for when their debris will be picked up.

For continually updated information visit the City website at www.louisvilleky.gov or call MetroCall at 311 or 574-5000.

Q: How many times will Public Works come by my house to pick up debris?
A: Public Works crews will only visit each house once. It is important to move storm debris to the curb as soon as possible because if you do not have your debris piled in the proper location when the crew comes by, they will not be returning.

Q: I have storm debris from a neighbor’s tree in my yard, who is responsible for cleaning that up?
A: Legally you are responsible for all limbs and any part of a tree that fell onto your property regardless of where they might have came from.

Q: Is there a charge for Public Works curbside collection?
A: No, there will be no additional fees or taxes applied for this service.

Q: I would prefer to drop storm debris off myself, where can I do that?

A: Three sites are open to residents to drop off storm debris, free of charge. The sites will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through this Saturday:

· Hubbards Lane Public Works Facility, 595 Hubbards Lane

· Meriwether Public Works Facility, 600 Meriwether Ave.

· Behind the Southwest Government Center, 7219 Dixie Highway

(enter off Saffron Drive)

Posted by springfallshoatreasurer on 02/04/2009
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