Southglenn Neighbors

Pet Alert!

Posted in: Southglenn
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  • foreignpress
  • Valued Neighbor
  • Centennial, Southglenn
  • 3 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Valued Neighbor

July 1, I found our beloved cat dead in an adjoining yard. Without going into graphic detail as to what I found, let me say this: There was no blood around the carcass nor anywhere in the immediate area and his head had been removed as well as one paw. I'll be taking what's left of the body to a veterinarian for an autopsy as I want to know if this was animal- or human-caused. There are foxes in the area and coyotes have been sighted further south and west. Recently I saw a raccoon that was huge. But Pucker (our cat) was also quite large and a good fighter although he was friendly to everybody. Perhaps he was too friendly this time. WARNING: Keep your pets inside at night and also be watchful during the day. Small children are also at risk. The drought has created a shortage of food in the foothills so wild animals are coming into neighborhoods like Southglenn.

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