**"Su Familia" National Hispanic Family Health Helpline
The Health and Human Services' new "Su Familia" hotline is designed to help Hispanic families get basic health information and refer them to local health providers and federally supported programs, including the State Children's Health Insurance Program. The hotline number is 866-783-2645 or 866-SU-FAMILIA.
**Summer Camps for Kids with Disabilities
It's not too early to start looking for a good summer camp. Here's a list of lists compiled by the National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities to aid your search.
**Choosing Age-Appropriate Instruments and a Good Instructor
March is Music Education Week, a good time for parents to learn how the ability to play certain instruments depends on a child's age and stage of physical development ??“ and how music education can foster other types of learning.
**Celebrating Families National Events Calendar
Check the March and April Celebrating Families calendar for other ways to celebrate the season in your family and community!