Swanston Estates Neighborhood Association (SENA)

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SENA | A Neighborhood Association

Pictures from Neighborhood Night Out - 2002

Swanston Estates Neighborhood Association


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October 2002

Swanston Estates Neighborhood Association

Neighborhood Meeting ?• Wednesday Oct. 23rd 7 PM ?• Babcock School MP Room

?• Water Meters in Swanston Estates (UPDATE)
?• Election of New SENA Board Members
?• Election: SENA Board of Members
?• Neighborhood Social - Coffee and Refreshments will be served

Cohn?’s Column on City Utility User Tax

Councilman Steve Cohn
October 2002

The Sacramento County Taxpayer?’s League has put Measure T on the November 2002 City ballot to phase in a reduction of the City?’s utility users tax (UUT) rate from the current 7.5% to 2.5% over a period of five years. Like everyone else, I don?’t enjoy paying taxes. But, before you or I jump on the bandwagon to cut this tax, let?’s review some basic facts.

When the proposed measure takes full effect, it would reduce the City?’s General Fund budget by $37 million each and every year. Out of a total General Fund of $300 million, approximately $200 million is discretionary. The rest has to be spent on items specified by state and federal law. For example, gas tax revenues must be spent on transportation improvements only.
Measure T would reduce the City?’s General Fund by nearly 15 percent. That means the City would have to cut discretionary General Fund spending, including Police and Fire, by 15 percent. Police and Fire, which make up over 60 percent of the General Fund, were already hit hard by budget cuts in the early 1990?’s when State Legislature permanently cut the City?’s budget by $15 million per year through the shift of property tax revenues away from cities and counties. It would be a tragic mistake to cut these departments any further. If the City Council decided not to cut Police and Fire, we would have to cut all the other General Fund budgets, such as Parks and Recreation, Libraries and Code Enforcement, by 30 to 40 percent. Yet, the Taxpayer?’s League has declined to state what items they could cut. Folks, that is just plain irresponsible. If you?’re going to propose cuts of this magnitude, you should tell us how you would do it.
Worse yet, the Taxpayer?’s League proposal comes in the face of potentially significant additional State budget cuts because of the recession and declining state tax revenues. With friends like the Legislature and the Taxpayer?’s League, who needs enemies?
The League argues that the City?’s utility tax is the highest in our region. But, they ignore that the State of California, which occupies much of our valuable real estate Downtown, pays no property taxes on its purchases. They ignore that big cities in California have similar taxes. Los Angeles?’ rate is 10 percent and San Francisco?’s is 7.5 percent. Sure, Roseville?’s tax isn?’t as high, but that?’s because they rely on the disproportionate sales tax revenues they receive from automalls, shopping centers and big boxes that they lured to the suburban edge of our region, while sloughing off responsibility for social services on the urban core. The Taxpayer?’s League is awfully good at representing these suburban interests, but not so good at representing the City?’s interests.
The Taxpayer?’s League claims that the utility user?’s tax is unfair to poor people and boasts that its initiative would offer rebates for all poor people, not just seniors and disabled. But what they fail to mention is that the City is already in the process of expanding eligibility for the utility tax rebate program to taxpayers with less than $25,000 income.
What?’s particularly galling about the Taxpayer?’s League initiative is that City taxpayers already voted to maintain the 7.5 percent rate in November of 1988 (measure G). The only thing that has changes since then is that the State has taken away millions of dollars in property tax revenues annually from the City.
They claim that the City has benefited from windfall revenues because of the huge jump in energy rates. What they fail to recognize is that City residents are SMUD ratepayers. And while SMUD rates did go up last year for the first time in over 10 years, so did the City?’s electricity bills. Gas rates spiked momentarily, but have declined to prior levels.
When I first ran for City Council in 1994, I shared my neighbor?’s concerns about the double-digit increases in City utility bills in the early 1990?’s. But since then, the City Council froze the utility rates three years in a row and held average rates well below the rate of inflation. We have not imposed any additional new taxes. The Taxpayer?’s League is way off the mark in their quest to reduce the City?’s utility users tax. Please vote NO on Measure T.

If you have any questions or comments, please call the No on Measure T office at 444-5701.

National Night Out
August 6, 2002

For the two hundred residents who attended SEAC?’s Neighborhood BBQ for National Night Out, it was an evening of food, games, prizes and conversations. The annual event?’s success is due to the hours of many volunteers who plan, shop, make phone calls, write letters and solicit donations from individuals and business. The following is an attempt to acknowledge all the people who made contributions to the event. Our apologies to anyone accidentally left off our Thank You list.
Norma Pearson who hosted the event at her home on Keith Way. Shirley Watts and Zoran Nedich who were our chefs at the BBQ. Set up and clean up volunteers: Harvey Moran, Ivan Ruppert, Curtis Stout, Tom and Louis Fowler, Jordan Owen, Steve Nolan, Al Benedetti, Charlotte, Joe and Xavier Godinez and Jose Salazar.
McDonald?’s at Howe and Arden for containers of ice water and juice. The Parks and Recreation Special Events Department for providing the tables and chairs. Jimmy Garfio for the free tank of helium for the balloons. Capitol Barricade Inc. for the use of barricades to block off traffic on Keith Way and Bowling Green. Jackie Wilson, manager at Greyhound Commuter Terminal, for bottled water and cookies.
Emily Bosh who earned a Girl Scout Leadership Award for planning and organizing the games and activities for the neighborhood children. Teenagers Ashley Donahue, Amy Horton, Tina Horton, Alexa Giannoni and Teri Dackins who volunteed to manage the Fishing Pond. Tina Bosh, Yumi Horton and Zachary Bosh who also monitored games and prizes.
Millie and Ted Bodiiou for running the SEAC Event Book and Membership table. Alice Fields and Wendi Beatty for running the face painting table. Larry Bosh for running the raffles. Glen and Linda Fowler for printing our signs and newsletters. Arleaner Collins, Sandy Guinn, Tami Moeller, Dawn Owen, Rose Brown and Julieta Nolan for making food to add to the dinner menu.
Businesses donating raffle prizes included Mini?’s Caf?©, Toy R Us, Elephant Bar, Greyhound Commuter Terminal, Eastern Buffet, Emigh Hardware, Starbuck?’s Coffee, Chipotle Restaurant, Coco?”s Restaurant, Regional Transit and Stone Cold Creamery. Annette Green donated Mary Kay products and Sylvia Paredes donated Avon products. Mary Lou Moe donated hand-crafted items.
Thank you to our invited guests Councilman Steve Cohn, Capt. Rick Jones, Judy Kavanda, John Banks, and Capt. Ernie Daniels from the Sacramento Polic Department, Gary Little from Neighborhood Services and Fran Barker from Assemblyman Steinberg?’s staff.
The weather, below 100 degrees for the first time in four years, also cooperated to make the evening well worth the efforts of everyone who participated.

Lost and Found

Salad Bowl - There was an empty bowl left at National Night Out. It came filled with salad but was left behind at the end of the evening. It is plastic with a flower design. If its your bowl, please contact Norma at 927-0923.

Postal Warning

Residents should be aware that mail is being taken out of local mailboxes. Be sure to deliver all out-going mail to a post office mailbox or to the post office instead of leaving it to be picked up by your mail carrier. Protect your out-going and in-coming mail. Be on the lookout for strangers near your mailbox or your neighbor?’s mailbox

Keep Gutters and Drains Free of Debris

Help keep the water flowing down gutters and into the drains throughout our community this fall and winter. Bag leaves, cuttings and clippings when possible or place debris away from the flow of water headed to the drains. Prevent flooding and keep our streets safe for travelers.

Save Arden Fair Receipts

You can help Babcock School raise money by saving your receipts from the stores at Arden Fair Mall. The School Cents Program makes it easy for you to contribute to this fund raiser by:

1. Having your receipts stamped at the Service Center desk located near the J. C. Penney store on the lower level while you are at the mall

2. If you do not need your receipts, by turning them into the office at Babcock School. Collected receipts will be turned into the Service Center for you. Receipts must be redeemed within 60 days of purchase.

Start now and save receipts from
August 1, 2002 to May 15, 2003!

Fall Is For Planting
By Marie Macaulay

This is the time to start your plants for our annual spring fund raiser which will be held the last week-end of April. Your plants may need thinning or separating now to do well in the spring and summer next year. We have acquired many one gallon containers which we will share with you. If you don?’t have time to plant them yourself, give us your cuttings, bulbs, rhizomes or plants and we will pot them. Call Norma Pearson at 927-0923 or Marie Macaulay at 921-1050.

Suspect Drug Dealing on Your Street?

Suspicious of people and/or cars coming and going at all hours of the day? If you suspect possible drug dealings, call the Sacramento Police Drug Tip Dept at 264-5796. You will only be able to speak to a recorder to leave a two minute message. Be sure to including the address of the house in question and any other important information.

Name Change For SEAC

What?’s in a name? Well, that question was posed at the last Board of Directors meeting. Swantson Estates Against Crime (SEAC) - a Neighborhood Association is our current name. However, our association?’s boundaries extend beyond the original Swanston Ranch property.
Would a new name which encompasses all of the residents within our physical boundaries be more appropriate? What do you think? Call Larry Bosh at 641-2038.

Need Extra Dollars

Plan ahead for the neighborhood garage sale which is held in the spring in conjunction with the plant sale. Everyday we come across something in our homes that we relegate to a corner of the garage. Your discards are someone?’s treasure. Turn them into cash.
Last April, SEAC ran ads in local newspapers advertising our plant and garage sales and placed large banners on streets entering the neighborhood. We had a good turnout of potential customers. However, we fell short on directing these customers to the individual houses where the garage sales were located.
Plans are now being made to rethink how we can better direct the in-coming shoppers to the multiple garage sale locations. Your help is needed to resolve this problem.

Call Norma Pearson at 927-0923.

Proposed Water Meters

Water meters are coming to our neighborhood according to a recently mailed newsletter from Sacramento Suburban Water District. Yes, we do live in the city where residents will not have water meters installed. However, all customers of Sacramento Suburban Water District will get meters over the next several years. Homes will be retrofitted with water meters and changed over from a flat-rate water bill to a metered billing system.
What do you think about this change? Start by attending the SEAC?‘s General Meeting on Oct. 23rd to learn more about the proposed water meters. Representatives from the Sacramento Suburban Water District will be there to give out information and answer questions.
Because Swanston Estates is in the City where water meters will not be used, you may be able to make a difference in the future of your water bills. Come to the meeting, get informed, voice your questions and concerns and join your neighbors to support a decision that will be in the best interest of all residents.

Annual SEAC Elections

In accordance with SEAC?’s Amended Bylaws adopted by members at the general meeting in April, it is time to elect new members to the Board of Directors. The positions open are president, vice-president and four members at large. During the general meeting, all names will be placed in nomination from the floor and require a majority vote of the membership present to be elected.
The Board of Directors meet three times a year before each general meeting. Additional meetings may be called before events like National Night Out.
Residents who have four evenings per year to participate in community activities should call Larry Bosh at 641-2038.

Parks & Recreation Citizens Advisory Committee

The Sacramento City Council announces one available position on the Parks and Recreation Citizens Advisory Committee. There is no compensation for this position. Requirements are a city residency and a background information form completed. For more information, contact Sue Brown at 264-7235 in Councilman Steve Cohn?’s office.

Neighborhood Volunteers

National Night Out, yard and plant sales, delivering newsletters, calling neighbors on a phone tree or going out on patrol are all activities that require volunteers. If the association?’s activities are going to be successful, all residents need to get involved.
Interested in driving around the neighborhood on patrol, call Curtis at 925-1882.
Interested in participating in other ways, contact Norma at 927-0923.

Red Ribbon Week

Babcock School will be sponsoring ?“Proud to be Drug-Free?” activities for students between October 23rd and 31st. A special lunchtime event will take place Tuesday, October 24th.

Janurary 2005 ?• SENA

Swanston Estates Neighborhood Association
Neighborhood News

Neighborhood Meeting ?• Wednesday Jan. 26th 7 PM ?• Howe Park Community Center

?• Water Meters in Swanston Estates (UPDATE)
?• Election of New SENA Board Members
?• Election: SENA Board of Members
?• Neighborhood Social - Coffee and Refreshments will be served

Dates For Your Calendar
?• Wednesday Jan 26th SENA Neighborhood Social at Howe Park Community Center 7 PM
?• Thursday Jan 27th North Area Neighborhood Leaders Mtg at Woodlake Community Center 7 PM
?• Monday Feb 21st President?’s Day
?• Wednesday April 6th SENA Board Meeting 7 PM
?• Wednesday April 27th SENA General Meeting 7 PM
?• Saturday April 30th & Sunday May 1st Plant Sale, Yard Sales and White Elephant Sale

Neighborhood Social

SENA is sponsoring a Neighborhood Social on Wednesday, January 26th at the Howe Park Community Center. This evening event will provide an opportunity for neighbors to meet other neighbors and discuss community concerns. Councilman Steve Cohn will join us and provide updates on current issues. Refreshments will be provided.
Residents from more than 200 households who were given SENA Beautification Certificates of Appreciation will be recognized at the social. Recipients attending the social will receive discount coupons for the annual SENA Plant Sale on April 30th and May 1st.
Early in January a small committee of neighbors drove through the neighborhood street by street looking for appealing and well-groomed residences. The quantity of over 200 residences selected for recognition says a lot about the people living in Swanston Estates and their interest in maintaining the value of their property and the neighborhood.
There were many homes with upgrades in progress that will be considered for the next Certificates of Appreciation to be issued this spring specifically for gardens and yards.
To get to the Howe Park Community Center from Ethan Way, drive east on Cottage Ave and cross Howe Ave. Continue on Cottage and turn into Howe Park on the left side of the street across from the old K-Mart. Follow the road to the parking lot in front of the Community Center.

Plant, Yard and White Elephant Sale

Saturday, April 30th and Sunday, May 1st are set for the annual plant sale. Marie Macaulay will again host the fund-raiser in her yard at the corner of Waterford Rd and Jamestown Dr from 8 AM to 5 PM. Many volunteers are needed for this week-end event. Call Marie now at 921-1050 to help.
An ad placed in the Sacramento Bee will include information about yard sales throughout the neighborhood. Households wanting to have a yard sale should call Marie to be added to a neighborhood map marked with yard sale locations given out to prospective buyers. Residents keep all money earned at their yard sales.
A White Elephant Sale will be a second fund raiser at the Plant Sale. Small to medium, new or nearly new items can be donated and brought to the Plant Sale Saturday between 8-9 AM. Items not sold by Sunday will be taken to Goodwill. Call Earlene 925-1882 for information.

Election of New SENA Board Members

Six positions on the SENA Board of Directors were filled at the General Meeting of the Swanston Estates Neighborhood Association on October 9th. Newly elected positions are President, Larry Bosh; Vice-President, Martyn Battistich, and Board Members, Jennifer Clark, John Esguerra, Zoran Nedich and Jesus Sadano.
The eleven member SENA Board met on January 5th to begin plans for upcoming neighborhood events in 2005. Residents interested in getting involved with community projects to support the safety, concerns and fund raising for their neighborhood should contact Larry Bosh at 641-2038.

Band Festival April 16th

Band Boosters met January 13th to begin fund raising plans for the North Sacramento School District?’s annual band festival. The band festival is set for April 16th and spring concerts are scheduled from May 17th through June 3rd.
Band Booster members are busy sewing vests for the festival Residents who can cut and sew vests or want to participate in fund raising activities need to contact the Band Boosters through the District?’s Department of Educational Services at 263-8259.

New Street Captains

Thank you to new street captains Joe Anchors, Max Baumgartner, Zoran Nedich and Wayne Tauferner who have volunteered to deliver the Neighborhood News to residents in the neighborhood.
The SENA newsletter is printed four times a year and is hand-delivered to each household in the community. The newsletters must be delivered to the street captains who then deliver the newsletters throughout the neighborhood. It takes many volunteers to get the Neighborhood News to each doorstep .
If you would like to help with this important job, call Norma at 927-0923.

Keep Drains Open

Prevent flooding on neighborhood streets by clearing debris from gutters and storm drains. Deposit yard cuttings in City provided containers for pick-up. Your help is appreciated!

SENA WebManager

A new position of WebManager has been created to facilitate SENA communications to the Internet. Zoran Nedich volunteered to step into the position to ensure community events, meetings and the Neighborhood News are linked to The Sacramento City and to other neighborhood associations?’ websites.
E-mail information to Zoran at the SENA address swansonestates@yahoogroups.com.

Code Violations

As Code Enforcement officials drive through our neighborhood, they are looking for and citing registered owners of vehicles found in violation of City code. Many residents want to know what constitutes a code violation. To better understand why a citation and fine is issued, here is some information about violations related to vehicles parked on private property.
All vehicles must be parked or stored on paved asphalt or concrete surfaces. Cars not parked on asphalt or concrete violate City code.
Inoperable vehicles parked on concrete or asphalt also violate code. For example, a vehicle with a flat tire on a concrete driveway is considered inoperable. This violates code.
Cars parked or stored must be on concrete or asphalt that is more than the length and width of the vehicle plus the distance from the vehicle to the entrance of the property.
Contact Code Enforcement at 264-5948 or www.cityofsacramento.org/ ns/code for more information.

Too Many Vehicles

Excessive numbers of vehicles parked on the streets blocking traffic are reported causing traffic hazards. Volunteers of America will pick up your used or even inoperable vehicles for free. Call 443-0800 for pick up.

Stolen Identity

Identity Theft is the fastest growing crime in the USA. Two actions strongly recommended to protect your identity are to 1) not give out your social security number and 2) check your credit history several times a year to make sure someone is not using your credit card accounts.
To read about how to get free credit reports to protect your identity, log onto www.ftc.gov. The Federal Trade Commission provides information regarding free credit reports.
A third action recommendation is to 3) shred, not throw away, all documents containing your name, address and/or account numbers. Purchasing a reliable, heavy-duty shredder is a good investment compared to the time and money it takes to get your identity back if stolen.

Volunteers Needed

The annual plant sale on Saturday, April 30th and Sunday, May 1st is our big fund raiser of the year. It takes many volunteers to get the signs up and plants out for potential shoppers.
Last year we made $1282! Our success was due to the many helping hands that worked during the week-end. There are many tasks to be done so you?’ll have no trouble finding one that matches your expertise! Call Marie at 921-1050 to see how you can help!

Water Meters

A new law requires the City of Sacramento to install water meters on all commercial and residential properties. The passage of AB 2572 overrides the City of Sacramento Charter which prohibits the use of water meters within the city limits.
The new law went into effect on January 1, 2005. The City plans to install meters over the course of the next twenty years. It is estimated that 100,000 meters will need to be installed at the cost of over $300 million. The City Council has not yet decided how the requirements of this law will be funded.
The City must start charging residents with water meters already installed on their property beginning January 1, 2010. Those with meters installed after January 1, 2010 will be charged at a metered rate beginning one calendar year after the meter is installed.
Residents of Swanston Estates live in the City but get their water from the Sacramento Suburban Water District. To date, there is no schedule for installing new water meters in Swanston Estates. The City Water District is still working with the Sacramento Suburban Water to possibly switch our water service in the near future.
If you have questions about metered rates or meter installation schedules, you can call the City Water Meter Hotline at 866-776-1509 or go online at www.cityofsacramento.org/utitlities/watermeters for the most current information.
Sacramento Suburban Water District will conduct a Community Outreach Meeting to discuss cost increases affecting your water bill on Wednesday, Jan. 26th at the Howe Park Community Center at 6 PM prior to our Neighborhood Social at 7 PM.
Be sure to join your neighbors at the SENA Neighborhood Social at 7 PM after the Water District meeting.

Megan's Law

You Megan?’s Law provides access to information of more than 63,000 persons required to register in California as sex offenders. You can search the database by specific names, city/county or zip code and print maps to show where registered offenders are currently living in California.
Check the number of offenders in Swanston Estates and surrounding neighborhoods by going to www.meganslaw.ca.gov. From this web page, you can then search anywhere in California. Be informed and protect your family. Go online and find the map of Swanston Estates.

Do You Own A business?

Neighbors frequently ask each other about good, reliable workers, services and products. SENA would like to help residents learn about the services or products your business can offer our community.
Members of Swanston Estates Neighborhood Association can place business information in Neighborhood News once a year for free. Do you own a business and would you like to advertise in the Neighborhood News? Contact Earlene at 925-1882 for more details.

Visible House Numbers

Emergency personnel and vehicles need to find locations quickly when called to a home. Are your house numbers easily visible at all times of the day or night and in all weather conditions? Are they large enough and well lit at night? It can not be assumed emergency personnel has access to a detailed neighborhood map or is familiar with the streets in Swanston Estates. Take time to check the visibility of your house numbers and make changes.

Exercising in 2005

January is a popular month for making new year?’s resolutions. If getting more exercise or losing a few pounds are on your list, The Inside Track at the Arden Fair Mall is a perfect solution.
The Mall Walker Fitness Program started in 2001 and membership is free! It is co-sponsored by the Arden Fair Mall and Sutter Health. The Mall opens at 7 AM, seven days a week for mall walkers and provides a safe, environmentally controlled walking area.
Mall walkers receive a quarterly newsletter with fitness tips and healthy recipes. They earn rewards in an incentive program based on the number of miles walked. Guest speakers provide the latest health-related information at quarterly breakfast meetings in the Mall.
Want to meet your resolution goals for 2005? Call the Mall?’s Service Desk at 920-1189 for information and start walking today!

Call Norma Pearson at 927-0923.

Dusk to Dawn at Babcock Park

Babcock Park is closed every day from dust to dawn. Signs posted in the park state the park is off limits to people and activities during these hours.
The Sacramento Police Department is working with SENA to enforce this curfew. If you see anyone, child or adult, in the park between dust and dawn, call the police non-emergency number 264-5471. Ensure compliance of the law and keep our park a safer place for everyone. You may choose to remain anonymous when you call.

Yard Waste Recycle Program

Tired of making piles of grass, leaves and yard trimmings in your gutter for pick-up? Or remaking those piles again after the wind, rain or vehicles move or rearrange them? You can sign up for a Yard Waste Recycle Program offered by the City to solve these problems.
Information about the program has been mailed to you previously in your utility bill. Participation is only on a voluntary basis for interested residents. Communities with high interest in participation will be given priority to start the program in their neighborhood.
Household trash will still be deposited in a trash container and recycle materials into the recycle containers. The new 96 gallons yard waste containers are only for the following items: garden trimmings, leaves, grass clippings, weeds, Christmas trees cut to fit, tree prunings cut to fit, shrubbery cut to fit and sod with the dirt removed.
Unacceptable items are household trash, dirt, concrete, lumber and animal droppings.
Residents with questions can call 808-4900 or goto: http://www.pwsacramento.com/
to sign up.

Free Energy Saving Shade Trees

Increase your property value and save on your cooling cost too! The Sacramento Tree Foundation in collaboration with SMUD offers free shade trees to interested residents. Simply call the Sacramento Tree Foundation at 924-8733 ext 124 or visit their website at www.sactree.com.
Fall is the best time to plant shade trees but it is not too late to learn more about the Sacramento Tree Foundation and how you can save up to 30% of your cooling costs.
You will need to schedule a time for a Community Forester to visit your home and help you select the best trees for your yard. Your trees, along with stakes, ties and fertilizer will be delivered within 10 days of the site visit.

Illegal Dumping

There have been several incidents of trash and vehicles dumped on Ray St. and Silica Ave in the past month. It is important that any dumping be reported immediately for the safety of residents.
Abandoned vehicles, RVs or trailers should be called into Code Enforcement at 264-5948. If they are missing parts, they are considered hazardous and should be reported as soon as possible.
Abandoned trash should be called into the Solid Waste Department at 433-4900.
Illegal dumping is defined as placing, keeping, depositing or allowing waste, garbage, junk and debris on any property, except in trash cans supplies by the City. It is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed $1,000.00. All waste, garbage or junk should be placed in a trash can for pick up, not on sidewalks, streets or vacant lots.
Residents who witness anyone trashing the neighborhood or dumping a vehicle, should get a license place number and description of the vehicles and person(s). Call 264-5948, no questions asked M-F, 8AM-5PM or after hours, call the Police Department at 264-5471.
If you provide information leading to an arrest and conviction of anyone who illegally dumps, you can receive a $500 reward. Keep your eyes and ears open and earn some money too.

Posted by swanston on 01/24/2005
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