Rock Creek Neighborhood Association

Sweepstakes scam in mail

Posted in: Rudisill-Plaza


You know money is NEVER required or even asked for in winning a prize and never sent from a PO Box, right?
Well, I just received this official-looking envelope with "Grand Prize Sweepstakes X111"
Mail offer WAS SENT TO MY HOUSE via USPS in official-looking envelope, with Form#W098 in red return address space and "Financial Matter" box checked. envelope for entry to win $3,000,000 BUT I have to send them $11.89..or $14.89 for rush deliery as "Acquisition Due and required as mandatory if acquiring the Premium Offer as reserved for delivery".

"Exclusive ID# 78418890-377629-211785667 20760"
Basically, showing payment schedule if I opt for 30-year distribution or lump sum of $1,980,000.

"no purchase necessary" (or, any showing of any item being offered for purchase...or from where...

Sent from "Award Notification Commission, P.O. Box 2905, Kansas City, KS. 66110-2905"

I tried to complain online to Attorney General of IN, but online problems..and will now do via USPS, as surely a violation of their laws and regulations. I just though Greg Zoeller could get the word/warning out faster. So..can't right now...and TELLING YOU DIRECTLY!

PLEASE be careful...scam artists out here...especially after senior citizens!

Take care!
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