Riverside Chase


Posted in: Riverside Chase

Is there anyway that we can just overthrow the current board? These people are by far the most incompetent, uncaring individuals I can think of. They don't do anything for this neighborhood. We are in desperate need of speed bumps. I have a feeling that it's going to take someone getting hurt or killed before they do anything about it. Why can they spend money to re-gravel the storage area that hardly anyone uses but they can't take the time to protect our residents from people who feel the need to drive 55 around the circle? The parking in the road is ridiculous. I find it humorous that they're paying for police protection but the police officer who lives in this neighborhood, he lives on Fawnbrook, has grass that has to be three feet high in his backyard. Not to mention that I've only seen the guy drive by twice and that was during the day. Some protection. I'm also curious to know how it is that we're the only neighborhood that doesn't have a pool. The board says they sent out a survey any only 4 people said they wanted one. I call BS on this. First of all I never received any survey and I'm sure that there are way more than four people who would like to have a pool. This place is a mess and I can't wait to leave. Unfortunately with so many houses in the neighborhood for sale that may not happen for a while.

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  • mijackdad
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we feel your pain. Both Sara and myself tried last year to get on the board adn will try again this Novemember.  You are right that the current board does nothing.  Sara has been putting together the last 3 Chase Report and they did not even send out the last one.  All they had to do was print them and mail them and they could not do that.


They do not reply to e-mails they do not reply to phone message. They do nothing they say they are going to do.  For example, I have asked 5 times by e-mail, voicemail and have yet to receive a copy of the by-laws.  They still have not put out the Directory they started over a year ago.  They plan no activties or outtings.   If it was not for the yearly bill we get, I would not even know we had a HOA.


I will talk with Sara, but yes I think there is a way to call a special board meeting if 2/3 of residents sign a petition.





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  • mijackdad
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  • Greer, SC
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We only need 20% residents to call a special meeting.


Article III 3.02 Special Meetings.  " Special meetings of the memvers bay be called by the board, the President, or upon the written request of members holding not less than twenty percent (20%) of the total votes of Class A membership, Such written request to stat the purpose or purposes of the meeting and to be delivered to the Board or the President."


I believe there are 249 houses, which would be about 50 people.  Not some of the house are empty so if we had alteast 50 people sign we could call a meeting.


Now to remove a member we need 50% of the people.  Article 4.07 Resignation and Removal"


...Any Director may be removed at any time for or without cause by the affirmative vote of more than fifty percent (50%) of the total votes of the HOA at a special meeting of the members duly called for suck purpose and may be removed otherwise as provided by South Carolina Law."


Not sure if that means 50% of all residents or 50% of the member at the special meeting.


I guess it is time to start petition.





Start the petition, we'll sign it.


Annual meeting: We might want to inform our neighbors that by not assigning a proxy, they are forfeiting their vote. Does the wording not suggest they should assign the HOA their proxy? Just wondering. Please help me if I have this wrong since it's been awhile since the last meeting.

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