Look and Call the Police- The breaks happening w/o Calls?

Posted in: NAP- Neighborhood Alliance of Pawtucket
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  • Respected Neighbor
  • Pawtucket, RI
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  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor

Please, please look out, observe and call. Everyone in the neighborhood sees and knows that we need to call police when you see something suspicious.  Last week there was a break into a house on Glenwood Ave. & the suspects were seen leaving the residence by a neighbor.  This person never called the police and they never got a good description of the suspects or the vehicle they were using.


Major Martins said this many times before, but the best police department is the one that has the full cooperation of its citizens.  When the citizens report suspicious behavior (they are in the best position to know what is suspicious since they live in the area) the police can more easily solve crimes and the criminals will look to go elsewhere if they know that the neighbors will report to the police what they see.
  We have a Neighborhood meeting on Tuesday at 7pm on May 13th. Additional information will be available and patrols have been suggested. If you have an interest in being involved in one of these patrols, please try to come at 6:45 and/or email me of yours & your other neighbors' interest. We will start small and ramp up to meet our neighborhood needs. It is in other neighborhoods, but let's make all Pawtucket an unfriendly place for all criminal activity!   More information is available on this and other Good Stuff happening here in Pawtucket like the Pawtucket Arts Collaborative opening by clicking below for the website. http://www.neighborhoodlink.com/public/main.html?nneighid=757473775&nsupercity=446720064

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