Water conservation should be top priority for So Cal! I saw this on the web at http://www.harvestingrainwater.com/ and want to make others aware.

The research team needs your help in locating homeowners who may be interested in participating in this research.

The research team, led by Drs. Larry Roesner and Sybil Sharvelle, is looking for households with existing greywater systems that have been in place for at least five years, particularly in Florida, Arizona, or New Mexico. The team is open to considering participants in other states as well. The team also needs households that will volunteer to install new greywater irrigation systems in the next year, particularly in Arizona, New Mexico, and California.

If you know of homeowners who may be interested in participating, please contact (or have the homeowner contact) Sybil Sharvelle at 970-491-6081 or sybil.sharvelle@colostate.edu. Dr. Sharvelle has more information on becoming a household test site.
May 14, 2008

By another GEOG 10 survivor