What are your ideas on how to prevent crime in the Swan Lake neighborhood?
Here are a few tips that can help you:
Tulsa Police - always report any crime, no matter how big or small.
The more they receive reports, the more likely they can link the crime to a criminal and make an arrest.
Our neighborhood is protected by Uniform Division Southwest, Ida Squad, on 77th & Riverside Drive.
Call them at 596.1100
TPD web address: http://www.tulsapolice.org/
Have you been in touch with the Citizens Crime Commission about organizing an ''Alert Neighbors'' program on your block?
Call them at 585-5209, or check their
web address at http://www.tulsacrimecom.org/
Let the Swan Lake Neighborhood Association know about your concerns.
Contact your officers (names and numbers on the ''Community Pages'' of this website and in the quarterly newsletter, ''Sign of the Swan''.
By From the Editor
post vandalism/crime here
Please spread the word around Swan Lake neighborhood to document any crime or vandalism on this website. It will be a great way to know what's going on and work together to put a stop to it. If everyone vandalized will report it to the police, we may be able to get some extra patrols in our area.
6 weeks ago we had our van windows shot out with a bb gun, and last week our son's bike was stolen in broad daylight.
We've had multiple plants& garden items disappear from our yard, as have many of our neighbors.
Within the past couple of weeks at least 15 cars had their tires slashed, the donut shop on 15th was robbed at gunpoint,and multiple home burglaries have occured in our neighborhood. Everyone needs to know about this stuff and be on the lookout for any suspicious activity.
garage apt break-in
We live on the east end of 19th st. While we were on vacation, (week of June 2nd), the window in the door of our garage apartment was broken. Two lawnmowers and a power blower were stolen.
We did not report this to the police, but because of other crimes in the neighborhood, we will report it.
Police Chief Reponds
Prior to our June neighborhood meeting, I wrote a letter to Tulsa Police chief Dave Been.
I asked the chief to help me address concerns that several Swan Lake neighbors had, regarding police action (or, inaction)?…specifically, the tire slashing spree along 19th. street and daylight burglary/hit-and-run in a home behind my house.
I also invited him to attend the neighborhood meeting.
He telephoned me a day after the neighborhood meeting, to apologize for not receiving my letter in time to respond?…explaining that he was away on budget negotiations.
He also said that he has contacted a detective to investigate the burglary and would be checking back with me after the detective has more information.
The burglary suspect left behind his blood (after breaking glass to enter the home) and fingerprints. In his departure, he hit a vehicle, stopped and got out to inspect the damage and was spotted by a neighbor before fleeing.
The investigating officer did NOT take fingerprints, and he did NOT talk with the witness for a suspect description.
As for the tire slashing ?– please see the article in the Sign of the Swan newsletter ?“If You Don?’t Report It, It Didn?’t Happen?”, where Councilman Tom Baker (a Swan Lake resident & victim of the slasher) said that when he reported the incident, the officer told him that it was the only report filed in that crime spree.
By the way ?– Chief Been said that with enough advanced notice, he?’d be happy to make an appearance at our neighborhood meeting.
By From the Editor