Tea Party plots anti-federal militia

Posted in: Muscatine

I watched your video.   It seems to be one example at one debate from four years ago put out by Nader.   I along with thousands of others stopped giving Nader anything after he gave Florida to Bush and Bush the Presidency.   He's now a has been.

There are a lot of other worse things going on out there that make our attempts to elect decent, qualified people more difficult.

Fox and Limbaugh poison the whole country.   Who pays them for their service?

This is hilarious! Mallcontent differing with another radical liberal. Nader gave Bush the Presidency? I thought you liberals said the Supreme Court did that! Was Nader on the Supreme Crt then? Too funny.


Fox and Limbaugh? Their commercial advertisers pay them, dingbat. If they had no sponsors, they'd have no shows. Seems you need to watch and listen a little more often, mallcontent, so you can find out which sponsor-businesses to go boycott for helping them be repeatedly number one in their industry.

Big Brother,

Very appropriate name for you by the way, You must not be aware of the founding of this country and who it is supposed to belong to. "We the People" not We the Lawyers or We the Politicians. What I do for a living does not mean I can't study about government, politics and corruption. When I watch a documentary I get to hear first hand by the people on the inside what they see, they then relay that to a reliable reporter who then creates a documentary of the events that take place but you somehow missed that one. Your lack of reasoning never ceases to amaze me.

You implied that I will not watch videos presented by you yet you have not presented any for my viewing. I am ALWAYS open to learning unlike yourself so if you have some compelling political videos to share then please present them but please don't continue to show your stupidity and present something as a joke, try your very best to show even the slightest sign of intelligence.

Hey, smartguy. You are now a documented liar of the highest degree. Go back and read each of my posts since your arrival here and you will see nowhere that I posted or implied anything about you watching videos presented by me.


Guess that clearly shows what a Fred Sanford we're dealing with here folks. And he's concerned about other's intelligence? Reminds me of mallcontent, who can't seem to remember quotes she posted just some 30 days earlier.


Your credibility is now all gone, loser!

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"I don't think Zdork is going to be willing to open his mind and view youtube videos other than the ones that he has picked out himself.  Oh, so close-minded and a refusal to look at facts."


By "other than" represents other's, representing anybody, therefore representing you. You just endlessly behave like a child, do you not have a mature bone in your body?

I will watch videos by others which includes videos from you so if you can behave older than 10 yrs old then find something other than your mentality such as teletubies, instead gather something together that is something in the 20+ category then present it. Did I tap into a town of pre-schooler's because damn, you guys are really dumb.

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Now I finally got it figured out:
Rephrased from earlier post.

I assumed that all people want truth and honesty in the government and in life but that's just not true. I watched a documentary, "Outfoxed: Rupert Murdock's war on Journalism"
and there is something that is now becoming very clear to me. The Right Wingers which are the Democrats want the very opposite of everything that has to do with freedom or honesty.

Democrats lie and deceive for the only purpose of wealth, power and control, they refuse to look at truth and seem to prefer dominion over the people and steal their wealth. I looked up Right Wing on wikepedia:

"In politics, Right, right-wing and rightist generally refer to support for a hierarchical society."

"The Right rejects the egalitarian objectives of left-wing politics."

egalitarian means:
"believing in equality: maintaining, relating to, or based on a belief that all people are, in principle, equal and should enjoy equal social, political, and economic rights and opportunities"
(That's a left winger).

"Some claim right-wing politics is more loosely defined than left-wing politics, because it to some extent developed as a response to its leftist counterparts."

"The right-wing expression was used to describe the Ultra-royalists."

"Those who sat on the right supported preserving the institutions of the Ancien Régime: the monarchy".

They for some odd reason get an extremely narrow mindset and stick with it to the grave. It simply does not matter what the truth of the matter is when it's presented they won't look at it, they yell down the other person and create a smear campaign, I might question what is wrong with these people? Something very serious has to be wrong with democrats to behave in such an extremely narrow minded, one sided almost programmed unintelligent manner as shown in the video and in my own personal experiences, it's just not normal. This really opens my eyes.

I kept seeing a very similar behavior pattern and I questioned are people dull from too much booze, too many prescription and illegal drugs, perhaps something in the water supply, perhaps retardation, but no, it's just that they are Democrats. So now I wonder is it that retarded people just automatically become Democrats or does becoming a Democrat create retardation, this is now my new study. You guys are my new study, you must be democrat right wingers amd so far that's not good, it's extremely damaging to any kind of freedom in this country.
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