Midtown Parents & Kids

Family/Neighborhood Resources

Handy Phone Numbers and Addresses

Columbus.Columbus Aquatics Center 645-6122 at 1160 Hunter Avenue. The only indoor pool run by the city. $1.00 (in the form of 4 quarters) for open swim sessions.

Directions for Youth 294-2661 at 1515 Indianola Ave.

Godman Guild 294-6227 at 303 E. 6th Ave
Offers job training, GED training, family counseling, tutoring for students, Head Start Program for Pre-K's, youth services, Summer camps for all ages, including seniors, and much more. Funded by United Way. A highlight every summer is a day camp called Camp Mary Orten. Registration starts in April.

Huckleberry House 294-5553 at 1421 Hamlet St. 24 Hour youth shelter and counseling.

Northside Branch Library 645-2110 at 1423 N. High St.

Short Stop Teen Center 299-5541 at 1066 N. High St.

Thompson Recreation Center 645-3082 at 1189 Dennison Ave

Hotlinks to Resources for Midtown Parents

see below for organizations that have web sites.

Neighborhood Schools-Public & Private

Public Schools:

Fifth Avenue Alternative Elementary
Mr. David Kindinger, Principal
1300 Forsythe Avenue, 43201
Special Features: neighborhood and lottery school*. International Studies and Open Space layout.

Hubbard Elementary
Ms. Teresa Sadek, Principal
104 W. Hubbard Ave 43215
Special Features: neighborhood traditional school. Charming, Victorian building.

Second Avenue Elementary
Mr. Todd Rogers, Principal
68 E. 2nd Ave 43201
Special Features: Year Round school calendar. Holistic approach to an education including before and after school care, medical care for the whole family, etc.

Weinland Park Elementary
Ms. Barbara Berry , Principal
211 E. 7th Ave 43201

Indianola Middle School
420 E. 19th Ave 43201
Not exactly in our neighborhood, but it is in the University District. This is where our students are assigned by home address.

AIMS=Arts Impact Middle School
Mr. Bill Doermann, Principal
100 W. 4th Ave 43201
AIMS is a 100% lottery school at this time.

Centennial High School-yes, it is up the road a piece (Bethel Road at Godown), but this is where our students are assigned by home address.

*Fifth Avenue Elementary is a neighborhood school first, then fills with lottery students. If you live north of 2nd Avenue West of High Street, Fifth Avenue is your assigned school. Neighborhood parents are encouraged to register for Fall Kindergarten in May to ensure space. The current ratio at Fifth Ave is 40% neighborhood kids, 60% lottery kids.

Private Schools:
St. Joseph Montessori
Ms. Donna Barton, Administrator
933 Hamlet St. 43215
Offers Pre-k through 8th grade.

Victoria School
Ms. Holly Martineau, Principal
345 W. 8th Ave 43201
Pre-k through 2nd grade, and then this small school system provides upper grades on other campuses around

Family/Neighborhood Resources

Columbus City Schools
Near Northside Historic District-lots of locgroups listed within
Columbus Parent Newspaper

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