Community Communication

Posted in: Middletown Village
I would just like to say that I stumbled upon this site while reading the DNREC article concerning the ''Trees Planted in Middletown.''

Like many of us in the Middletown Village Community, I have yet to make it to a community meeting. I think that this forum can be very useful to making our community a better place. I will be checking this forum frequently for new posts and how I may help in the improvement of our young community.

Your Neighbor,

By John
Thank you for your interest

John -

I'm glad that you found this website. There is also another site that we have. It is:

I encourage you and your neighbors to become active in our community. The more active neighbors that we have the greater our community will become. Please try to join us at our next Civic Association meeting. It is on Monday, January 10th at 7:00 PM. It is held at the New Castle County Police Southern Patrol HQ on Broad Street (Rt. 71) in Middletown. This is located across from the shopping center with Sears and Grotto Pizza.

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