Memorial Parkway Community Association

Memorial Parkway Preparing for Annexation by Houston?

Posted in: Memorial Parkway

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Memorial Parkway HOA Preparing for Annexation by Houston?

Conditioning is half the battle; once normalcy sets in, most people will accept the worse of conditions.

Most of the people that moved to Memorial Parkway did so to escape Houston schools, taxes, and government, along with it's very poor but very expensive services such as water and trash pick up.  

But Houston has other plans; like when they annexed the Kingwood subdivision, imposed Houston Taxes, took their fire stations and equipment, and forced them to use "City Services" like one day per week trash pick up rather than the two day pick up they had previously, with contractor issued 96 gallon trash cans that can be picked up by a mechanical arm of the truck rather than the cheaper manual laborers.

Now MUD 81, which covers the Memorial Parkway HOA, has unilaterally imposed, without notice, the same once per week trash pick up on Memorial Parkway Residents, with the concomitant, hideously ugly, 96 gallon trash barrels.  What if you have a large family and have more trash in one week that will fit the barrel?  No problem, you can just pay more for an extra, hideously ugly, 96 gallon barrel. 

So how were Memorial Parkway Residents notified of this reduction of garbage service pick up?  By a very large and noisy truck going down their streets dumping 96 gallon trash barrels on the street as they went by.  This was on December 17th. The date is important.

In the barrels were notices of the new restrictions and fees.  What about recycle? Well, we learn from the notice in the new trash barrels that the old recycle bins would have to be placed out on the curb to be replaced by what?  A 96 gallon recycle "tote."  To get this 96 gallon "tote" residents were told they had to put their old 18 gallon recycle bins out on the curb on December 16th.  The 96 gallon recycle "totes" would only be delivered to residences who have their 18 gallon recycle bins on the curb for return.

Of course since no one was notified that they needed to have their recycle bins out by the 17th, no one received the 96 gallon recycle "tote."

None of this was mentioned in the monthly "Memorial Parkway Community Association" news magazine, although there was a reminder on the cover that 2014 Maintenance Fees were due by January 1, 2014.

Memorial Parkway residents may remember that our MUD Districts advised us of the transition to surface water from well water several years ago, just as Houston had done previously, along with the price increase for water and sewer service. This was discussed previously Here and Here.

Many of us have also noticed the many homes purchased by HUD and given to people that couldn't otherwise afford to live in a home in Memorial Parkway. Although Houston intends to annex Memorial Parkway, it still wants the same minority based voting block and will not annex so many middle class voters as to upset the mix, so the fix is in.  Memorial Parkway must become more "diverse" in it's population, i.e. fewer white people.  Hence the multitude of new apartment complexes being built all around our area, in addition to the houses purchased by HUD.

All of this of course will lead to lower property values, and once annexed, higher taxes and fees for "services."

Including Houston Police "Services" as noted Here and Here.

And this is not just the plan for Memorial Parkway, it will include all the unincorporated area around us and every MUD district in our area.

And just like the new once-per-week trash pick up, you will be notified on the day it happens.

If you have any concerns, for now you can contact Harris County MUD 81 at 713-526-1536.

This is the Board of Directors for MUD 81, elected by you:

Jennifer Labourdette

John Savage
Vice President

Patrick Cathcart

George Goff
Treasurer / Investment Officer

Bruce Cox
Assistant Secretary

Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 81 
805 Hidden Canyon Katy, Texas 77450 
281 392-8112 

Later you can contact the lesbian Mayor of Houston, Annise D. Parker.

By the way, the Board of Directors for the Memorial Parkway HOA is:

President         Mike Brahm
Vice President  Charles Herring
Secretary         Doug White
Treasurer         Barbara Burleson
Director           Vacant


Also, your vote counts and if you don't vote, it counts even more.

In Houston, there are approximately 2 million eligible voters.  In the 2013 mayoral race, only about 160 thousand voted.

Lesbian Mayor Annise D. Parker received 97,009 votes.

Out of a potential of 2 MILLION VOTERS.

Less than 5 one hundreths of a percent of eligible voters determined the fate of Houston.

Houston has the government it deserves.

Does Memorial Parkway?

Like we have such fantastic police protection right now in Memorial Parkway.  I had my car vandalized and the police came right away and just laughed at how it was done.  Never heard another word about it.   The current HOA in Memorial Parkway is so corrupt they get nothing done except collect our fees and pay their own private cell phone bills with it and hire their friends to "maintain" the property.  It is a joke.   I hope we do have the "lesbian" mayor take over our fine subdivision. Like Houston wants our cruddy little joke of a subdivision.  

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