Memorial Park Neighborhood Association

The Connector-June 2006 Edition

May 28, 2006

2006 4rd Edition
The Connector
Memorial Park Neighborhood Association/MPNA
A Place where People Live & Succeed through Togetherness!
June 2006 Official Newsletter

Dr. Saharra Bledsoe, President?¡?­?¡?­?¡?­.........312-4503
Ms. Michelle Boykin, Vice President?¡?­?¡?­..348-3187
Ms. Delisa Kelsaw, Secretary?¡?­?¡?­?¡?­?¡?­.?¡?­.422-3336
Ms. Cassandra Woods, Treasurer?¡?­?¡?­?¡?­?¡?­420-8132
Mr. Robert Brown Sgt. at Arms?¡?­?¡?­?¡?­?¡?­..
Officer Jason Anthony, Liaison Officer?¡?­..427-1319
Attorney Thomas Essex Exe. Board Mbr.?¡?­...424-4316
Ms. Elinor Rose Exe Board Mbr?¡?­?¡?­..?¡?­?¡?­...704-1675
Mr. Kal Derkson Block Captain Chairman?¡?­.420-8534
Block Captains
Ms. Alice Boykin?¡?­?¡?­?¡?­?¡?­?¡?­?¡?­?¡?­?¡?­?¡?­?¡?­?¡?­422-9794
Ms. Ruthie Robinson?¡?­?¡?­?¡?­.?¡?­?¡?­?¡?­?¡?­.?¡?­?¡?­422-7967

Association Web Site:
Business of the Month!
Advanced Mechanical Services Inc.
1523 Summer St. Phone: 439-1640
Neighborhood Association
Monthly Meeting Reminder & Location Change!
The monthly meetings are a great way for you to not only stay informed with what?¡?¯s actually going on within our community, but to also participate in the process of growth and change within the community. Rather, you are a home owner, renter, business owner ?¨C All are Welcome to Attend and Participate in Monthly Meetings.
June Meetings:
June 1st
Maumee Way Planning Committee -Planning Committee Members Only
June 15th
General Membership Meeting -Open to Entire Community
For special presentations- please feel free to contact vice president, Ms. Michelle Boykin.
Monthly Meeting Location Change-
IIT has been simply terrific in providing us with meeting space!
However due to their ongoing renovations, our meeting location has changed.
Meetings will now be held at:
Shepard of the City Church
Located on the corner of Anthony and Alleger
(across from Elite Ballroom)
Time: 6:30 till 8 p.m.
All meetings start & end on time - That?¡?¯s a Promise!
To all Reelected Officers -We look forward serving and being of service to the entire Memorial Park Community for two more years!
We hope you have a very blessed and happy birthday!

Yearly Dues
Yearly dues allow us to support and meet the monetary needs of the community.
If you?¡?¯d like to pay your dues for 2006 you can do so now by filling out the attached membership form and either send it back to us by regular mail using the address listed with the membership form or by giving us a call and one of the association officer?¡?¯s will gladly respond to your pick-up request. Or better yet why not pay your dues while you are attending the monthly association meeting.
Prevention Clinic
Free or low coast health screening and education. Screening for Blood Pressure,
lipid profile, gluecose, colorectal cancer, PSA, HIV/Aids, cholesterol and others.
The 3rd Wednesday of every month, 2700 S. Lafayette St.,
For more information you may call 745-1600 ex. 223

Special Notice:
Memorial Park Neighborhood Code Issues
(MP Address & Resolve System)
In our search to provide the community with the best possible service, we have put together a way for us to document certain concerns and issues within the community as to make sure
they are addressed and resolved in a timely manner. The MPA&R System
Will focus on neighborhood code complaints and/or issues and Will work like this:
1. Turn in your complaint and/ or issue slip. (one provided below)
2. The complaint and/or issue slip submitted to the Executive Board.
3. The Executive Board works with the appropriate city agency until complaint and/or issue is resolved.
4. You will receive periodic written documentation as to the progress and a final notice of satisfaction when complaint and/or issue is resolved.
MPA&R System Complaint and/or Issues form Date_________________

Contact Number:_______________________
Please Describe your Complaint and/or Issue_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Memorial Park Neighborhood Association Return Form Sheet
You can mail form to: MPNA 1304 S. Anthony Blvd. Ft. Wayne, In. 46803
Or Call:
422-9794 or 312-4503 for pick up
(cut along dotted lines)
2006 Membership Dues:
$100.00 for business?¡?¯s $50.00 landlords/landowners $10.00 per household
(check one) ?¡?µBusiness ?¡?µLandlord/landowner ?¡?µRenter ?¡?µHomeowner
(cut along dotted lines)
Beautiful Yard Entry Form- Contest Begins this April

Resident ?¡?µ Business Owner?¡?µ
(check one)
(cut along dotted lines)

I would like to serve on the 2005 Block Party Planning Committee


I would like to serve on the Memorial Park Strategic Planning Committee
(check one) ?¡?µBusiness ?¡?µLandlord/landowner ?¡?µRenter ?¡?µHomeowner

Our 2006 Monthly Newsletter along with other informative community, city, state, and national links can be found at our web site
So, be sure to visit it regularly!

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