Memorial Park Neighborhood Association

May 2005

Jun 27, 2005

Memorial Park Neighborhood Association/MPNA
A Place where People Live & Succeed through their Togetherness!
May 2005 Newsletter

Dr. Saharra Bledsoe, President........312-4503
Ms. Michelle Boykin, Vice President..422-9794
Ms. Cassandra Woods, Treasurer...420-8132
Mr. Robert Brown Sgt. at Arms..447-0737
Officer Jason Anthony, Liaison Officer..427-1319
BlockBlock Captain Chairman
Mr. Mr. Kal Derkson,... 420-8534
Block Captains
M Ms. Alice Boykin....422-9794
Ms. Ms. Ruthie Robinson...422-7967
Association Web Site:

A Message from the President
As we begin to grow and implement change its only natural that we too would experience some growing pains. However, as your president, I have listened to your comments and/or suggestions and become a leader with a vision-For it is my belief that our community can become a thriving community full of beautiful yards and nice sidewalks, a community filled with a host of service??fs and business??fs tailored to satisfy the needs of both our entire community and the city. I believe that we can become a safe drug free community that is a pleasurable place to live, a deceit and prosperous place to earn a living, and an outstanding area of the city to receive an education. I believe that we are a progressive community with positive things to say and get done! I believe that we must continually embrace education, health, and spirituality on a individual and collective bases and most of all, I believe that it is ok if we agree to disagree but Never should we allow any thread of dissension that is no more than the hanging hem line, which representing the special interest of a few to unravel our united voice that speaks for the progressive growth and good-will of us all! Therefore, rather you are a homeowner, renter, landlord, or religious entity within the community, I only ask that you recognize that as your president I am dedicated to serving and being of service to you, and in the coming months, unlike any other time in the history of our association, we will be embracing our past to stabilize our present so that we may ensure our future and I welcome each of you to get involved and become apart of the Memorial Park Neighborhood Association because the association can only be as good and as great as you make it and YES, we need you, to make it as good and as great as it can be!

Monthly Reminders!
The 2005 Beautiful Yard Contest has begun and you still have time to send in your yard??fs nomination. Since we??fve received questions regarding who can participate, we have decided to open the competition to both Residence and Business is under separate categories.

The Neighborhood Designation Sign Project is off and running and we are very pleased to announce that the developments are going well.

The Community Block Party is tentatively set for the 3rd Saturday in August and volunteers are still needed.

Yearly Dues
Your yearly dues allow us to support the monetary needs of the community. If you haven??ft paid your dues for 2005 please do so by filling out the attached membership form. You can mail your membership, have it picked up by one of the association officer??fs or make your payment during the monthly meeting.

Special Note:
Attached you will find a survey that we are asking everyone to fill out and return to us during our Monthly meeting this Tuesday, May 17th.

Why is this survey so important? Because it will assist us and the city Plan-It-Allen department in developing the twenty year economic development plan for both the city and county. If you can't make the meeting call us and we will come by and pick up your completed survey.

Memorial Park Neighborhood Association Return Form Sheet
You can mail form to: MPNA 1304 S. Anthony Blvd. Ft. Wayne, In. 46803
Or Call:
422-9794 or 312-4503 for pick up
(cut along dotted lines)
2005 Membership Dues:
$100.00 for business $50.00 Lanlord/Landowner $10.00 per household
(check one)

(cut along dotted lines)
Beautiful Yard Entry Form

Resident ???  Business Owner??? 
(check one)

(cut along dotted lines)

I would like to serve on the 2005 Block Party Planning Committee



Please Note: Everyone is invited to attend
The association's Monthly Meetings, which takes place every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the Month
from 6:30-8:00 p.m. This Months Meeting will be held at:
IIT..Abbott Building "Building with the Big Clock" Easy access off of Washington street.

Our Monthly Newsletter along with other informative community, city, state and national links can be found at our web site
So, be sure to visit it regularly!

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