Mayor's Office-Neighborhood City Halls Administration

For Your Good Health

Mar 01, 2004

What do you mean "A Balanced Diet on a Balanced Budget?" Foods vary greatly in cost, nutritional value, flavor and convenience. But, foods that are good for you need not be expensive to be appealing!

Today's high cost of living can make eating right a real challenge. Everyone needs proper nutrition for the best possible physical health, productive work and play, as well as, a sense of well-being. Even on a budget, you can plan ahead for low-cost, enjoyable meals, cost-effective food shopping and a tasty, yet healthy diet.

The number of servings you need from each of the five (5) basic food groups depends on your age, sex, size and how active you are. Here are some examples of what counts as one (1) serving:

??x Milk, Yogurt & Cheese Group
--for protein, vitamins and minerals
??x 1 cup of milk or yogurt

??x Vegetable Group
for vitamins, minerals and fiber
??x 1 cup raw leafy vegetables
??x 1/2 cup other vegetables, cooked or chopped
??x 3/4 cup vegetable juice

??x Meat, Poultry, Fish, Dry Beans, Eggs & Nut
Group--for protein, minerals, B vitamins
and fat

??x 1 serving is 2-3 oz. cooking lean meat,
poultry or fish

??x 1/2 cup cooked dry beans, 1 egg or 2 tbsp
peanut butter count as 1 oz. lean meat

??x Fruit Group -- for vitamins, minerals and
fiber. 1 serving is

??x Bread, Cereal, Rice and Pasta Group --for
vitamins, minerals, fiber and carbohydtates

??x 1 slice of bread

??x 1 oz. ready-to-eat cereal

1/2 cup cooked cereal, rice or pasta

Planning nutritious meals that fit your budget starts with a meal plan. Plan ahead by:

??x Preparing a list of meals you'll be shopping

??x Determine how much of each item you'll need

Check Flyers and newspaper ads. Be creative by learning different ways to prepare foods and plan to use left overs--cook once, eat twice.

List only what you need by refer to you meal plan. Check what's already in the refrigerator or on your shelves. Be price-conscious by keeping on hand a list of low-cost foods from the five (5) food groups and compare prices offered by stores. Avoid "junk" foods that only add empty calories and expense. Organize you list by noting how much of each food you'll need and estimating the cost before you go to the store to determine if its within you budget.

Knowing how to be an effective shopper saves time and money--and it puts pleasure into shopping, too! Now let's go shopping!

To obtain additional information call (313) 259-4411.

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