Hello Neighbors!


Our annual Christmas in the Park event will be held on Saturday, December 5 from 10am - 12pm.  We'd love to see you there!  See below for info on the event!


Can you believe it's that time of year again!? We are excited for Marlborough Mesa’s Annual Christmas Party in the Park and Toy Drive which will be held on Saturday, December 5 from 10am - 12pm. There will be pictures with Santa and a fun time to gather as neighbors.  We are going to try a brunch this year! And we are asking everyone to please contribute something – potluck style!

Please sign up at  http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0e4aada72da4f94-christmas


     This is one of our neighborhood’s great traditions so come out to the park, meet some neighbors and bring an unwrapped toy to help those in need. Also, as in years past, we will collect clothing, personal hygiene items, etc. that are always needed by the local charitable organizations we support.  All items will be donated to Helen’s Hope Chest and Save the Family. Save The Family houses, trains and supports homeless families or those coming from abusive situations. Helen’s Hope Chest assists foster children with essential items they need each time they are relocated until they are placed in a forever home and provides clothing and gifts to children living in foster homes. 


     This wonderful event is a great way to practice giving during the holiday season and teaching our children to do the same. Please come out and join us as we gather for food, fun and celebrating together! We would also love for you to volunteer with us this year! If you can help with preparation activities, park set-up, breakfast food donations, or clean-up afterwards we welcome your support. Please email us at chris.steph.robertson@gmail.com or call (480) 518-6607 and let us know you're interested!   Thank you! We look forward to seeing you at the park on Dec. 5th!!