Madison Park

Crime Alert! Madison Park

Posted in: Madison Park


Use this link and then click on Locate Crime Areas.    That pulls up things by area or even streets.  Might be helpful in the future.

I also noted when using this tool that there appears to have been an incident on the North side of E. Woodlawn in the same time period that I was searching.      Just a couple of streets off E. Woodlawn.  Don't know any details, or if they have any suspects in that incident.   Just pointed it out hoping resident don't limit your eyes to Mockingbird.


2 or 3 weeks ago there was an incident at Wedgewood Drive near Seneca Place that the officers reported to us.


CMPD would much rather you just call any suspicious cars or people that appear to not be residents acting suspicious to 911 so they can check them out.


You do not need to provide your name or contact info. 



This other residential break-in on the North side of E. Woodlawn was in the 4100 block of Castlewood 8/18/13 at 2:56 PM. 


I was able to zoom in and pull that data off from that case out using the tool.  


No other details. 





Lt. Gwaltney just confirmed that there were 2 break ins on Castlewood last week.   No details on this one,  but he said  4300 block of Castlewood also had a break in.   Castlewood is not in MP but very near us just crossing E. Woodlawn. 


He said Mockingbird and the 2 on Castlewood were the only reported nearby cases. 


No suspects in those Castlewood cases. 

Charlotte, North Carolina