Madison Park

Tree Banding? Interested in having trees banded in Madison Park?

Posted in: Madison Park

If you are interested in treebanding to protect against the canker worm let us know at   We are looking at possibly doing a grant application, but will only do it based on interest.  Let us know how many trees, your exact address, and if you would be willing to pay part of the cost.  If you pay something that becomes match and helps us get more trees banded.




We have been banding trees in Myers Park, Eastover, Plaza Midwood, and all over Charlotte, NC since 1996.

  • Contracted by City of Charlotte
  • We maintain our bands through their full life cycle
  • Our bands are squirrel resistant
  • All bands removed free of charge
  • We never use staples on our bands
  • Advanced technology banding system

I am thinking the best way to do this is do a buy 1 get 1 offer if we move forward.    We would get a discount from the company, and we would get twice as many trees covered for the price.   We could have those wanting their trees done buy 1, and we could offer the 2nd one for free through the grant.  


We have to have match the funds,  and if we hire it out we will eliminate a chunk of the ability to do volunteer match.   This would allow us to do more trees, and people could do what trees they wish to do on their properties. 


We would provide the company chosen with the address of those that paid for any trees to be banded. 


The bands are pretty neat, and you don't have all that tar paper with thick bands on your trees.     Visit  to see their bands.    They would put them up, come back and apply the trap tangle foot, and then remove them in the spring.   So no work from out homeowners.   The HOA would apply for the grant and do the work on that end.  We would negotiate the best rate on the tree banding,  and apply any discounts or in kind donations to the grant project.


We have to come up with 25% of the match from the neighborhood if we move forward on a grant project anyway.  


Typical a tree runs from $10 to $30 for the thickest trunks.   If we do the grant it would cost a resident $5 to $15 to do a tree. 


If we move forward on a grant we would be helping to protect our neighborhood tree canopy which we all benefit from in Madison Park.


The trees can take 1 good hit of the canker worm and survive without a lot of iusses.  However repeat hits the following years can really cause damage or loss of trees. 



Watch for an e-mail on this effort toward the end of the week.   We have several people interested in their trees banded.  We will try and work out an option through a grant that will be a significant reduction in cost to our residents over retail. 

Charlotte, North Carolina