Madison Park

A few Trees available for ROW's in Madison Park

Posted in: Madison Park

Madison Park trees have been grouped into the Area 5 contract.  Due to unforeseen conflicts in another neighborhood in Area 5,  there may be some additional trees available to plant in Madison Park.  I have 12 trees that I’ll have to find new planting sites for.  Do you think residents in Madison Park would be interested in getting another 12 trees?  These 12 trees have to be planted in City right-of-way and can’t be planted along the streets that received new sidewalks as the planting strip there is too narrow.  I have 5 sugar maples, 3 red maples, and 4 Kousa dogwoods.


Let me know if you think there would be interest.  If so, I think a first come/first served method will work.  You can forward any interested residents to me.  If the supply runs out we and demand is still there we can add people to next year’s planting list.


Thanks for any help.




Tim Porter

Tree Technician, ISA Certified Arborist #SO-6285A

City of Charlotte

Landscape Management

704.432.1159 office

Contact Mr. Porter directly if interested in trees. 

Those of you that requested trees along Murrayhill and Wedgewood as part of the sidewalk project should see those go in over the next few weeks.  A time frame of 30 to 45 days was given, possibly even sooner.  


Contracts have been awarded for the planting.

oA large willow oak will soak up over 7,000 gallons of stormwater every year in Charlotte.  Click here to see the benefits that your trees provide.o

Charlotte, North Carolina