One Day At A Time

Posted in: NAP- Neighborhood Alliance of Pawtucket
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  • nap
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Pawtucket, RI
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  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor

CoolONE DAY AT A TIMESurprised

Our lives are made up of a million moments,
spent in a million different ways.
Some are spent searching for
love, peace, and harmony.
Others are spent surviving day by day.


But there is no greater moment
than when we find that life,
with all it's joys and sorrows,
is meant to be lived one day at a time.
It's in this knowledge that we discover
the most wonderful truth of all.


Whether we live in a forty-room mansion,
surrounded by servants and wealth,
or find it a struggle to manage
the rent month to month,
we have it within our power to be fully
satisfied and live a life with true meaning.


One day at a time - we have that ability,
through cherishing each moment
and rejoicing in each dream.
We can experience each day anew,
and with this fresh start we have
what it takes to make all our dreams come true.
Each day is new, and living one day at a time
enables us to truly enjoy life and live it to the fullest.

~Author Unknown

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  • ludlow1
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Pawtucket, RI
  • 442 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor

Dear Arthur,


Nice poem.  I think Jesus used a parable about people who worked for getting all their crops stored, and they were going to die that night.  As for personal experience regarding the poem's theme,  I have known a few people who got very wealthy during their working years, but did not plan to use the money until they were 65-75 years old.  Unfortunately for them, the husband and/or wife became too ill to enjoy the money. 

  • Avatar
  • nap
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Pawtucket, RI
  • 3152 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor

That is why we need to live every day as if it is a last day. and try to spend on ourselves and not gorge...Balance is always a key word.

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