Leath Street Block Club


Posted in: 600-700 Block of N Auburndale St Neighborhood Watch

I recently moved from Auburndale to Avalon but this is still close enough so we all need to help each other and keep and eye out for thieves in the area!

My iron patio chairs where stolen off my front porch on Thursday 6/12. A neighbor saw a black male driving a black Chevrolet SUV with the driver side all smashed in, he was driving back and forth slowly down Avalon on the Thursday morning my chairs where stolen. She said she went in the house and when she came out that SUV was pulling out of my driveway.

Please keep an eye out for that vehicle. If anyone else sees it in the area please be sure to write down the license plate number for future use or call the police if they are doing the same thing on your street!

Thank you, We'll all have to stick together an see if we can get these criminals caught or at least get them out of our neighborhood!

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