What has the City got against us? For over 50 years we have had a DUMP in our Community, whether it was active or closed. 136.2 acres of land in the middle of our Community that is vacant, fenced in, access denied to anyone in Oak Park. Anyone that is except the privileged few who have a key to the gate and can go in there anytime and fly their model planes. Are any of the plane fliers from this Community? Do any of you who are reading this in Oak Park know any of these people? Of course not. They come from other areas of the County and have the 136.2 acres all to themselves. THIS IS WRONG.
This should be an area used for the benefit of the surrounding Communities. This area is �park deficient� according to the City. South Chollas was planned to be parkland when the dump was closed. This Community even hashed out a
general plan that was never adopted for whatever reason. According to this Cities own standards, Golf Courses and Baseball fields are applicable
uses for parkland. Paragon would have done this on South Chollas for NOTHING, NADA, NO COST to the CITY. They would have even paid REASONABLE
rent and paid taxes to the City.
Now what? We are told that the City is going to put out an RFP (Request For Proposal) for the land. That is where a developer gives his/her idea of what the land is good/can be used for. Will the Community have any input as to what goes in there? Don't hold your breath. Generally it includes a big profit for the developers when they build it. And of course the City will have to pay also. Plus they will probably give the land away to get the developer to come in. Why didn't they do this with Paragon instead of the pusey footing around. What is good about the RFP? The City does not even have money to build out North Chollas Park or to fix our roads, build a new Library or Fire Station. Where will the money come from? From the billions that they owe already? A bond issue? Fat Chance, they would have a better
chance of having a bake sale or a garage sale. Lets face it the City is BROKE. It does not have a dime for OAK PARK. We would have a better chance of ceding from the City and contracting things out for ourselves.
I personally do not have any faith left for any part of City Government. We have been dealing with four City Councilmen, to many chiefs of staff, a City Attorney that has lost many of the cases he has vainly filed with the result of the City has to pay damages, so many Department heads that I cant count. Including one who told us. We are going to do something GOOD for the people of Oak Park. They deserve it. They have suffered long enough. I am completely demoralized from all of this. But I know how I can deal with it. I just filled out my ballot. I will fix the b_______.
By Ted Leimbach