Hidden Lakes Homeowners Association

Dec 12, 2006 HOA Meeting Minutes

Roll Call; Treasurer's Report; Committee Reports

Roll Call -- President Jeff Wood called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. A quorum was present - Sixteen (16) homes were represented (13 in person; 3 proxy).

It was moved (Bill Collins) and seconded (Dale Harder) to approve the minutes of the July 24, 2006, HOA meeting. Motion approved.

Treasurer’s Report -- Spencer Aden (Treasurer) stated that the fourth quarter report was not finished, as the year was not yet over. The current balance was $9,572.84. 2007 Dues are payable January 1, 2007 ($165.00 annual; $45.00 quarterly)

Committee Reports

· ACC -- Jeff Wood reported one ACC request was approved for a fence on Lot #30.

· Social/Welcome
?˜ Congratulations to the homeowners who put together the Halloween/Fall Gathering Party. It was obvious that a lot of work and effort went into planning and preparing this neighborhood activity. A lot of the children (and their parents) attended and everyone had a lot of fun.
?˜ With the success of the Pool Party and the Fall Gathering activities this year, everyone present was unanimous in allocating funds for these two activities each year.
?˜ Four (4) Yard Sale signs need to be purchased at $25/each = $100.
?˜ With the high turnover of homes (being bought and sold) it was decided to terminate the $41 gift certificate new home welcome gift.

Announcements; Forum; Old Business

Announcements – 2007 Dues are payable January 1, 2007 -- ($165 annual;
$45 Quarterly)

Homeowner’s Forum – Yard gas lanterns can be retrofitted to solar lanterns for approximately $159.00.

Old Business

· Jay Rogers moved, Valise Ramsdell seconded to approve the removal of every other Bradford Pear tree at the entrance by Acut Above Tree Service (Harlan Pewitt) 931-670-6275 and cell: 615-218-2389 at a cost of $60 per tree, with an approximate cost of $1,320.00, provided that license and bonding be presented before the work begins. Spenser Aden stated there was $2,000 in the budget for architectural improvements. Motion approved. ACC member Arita Harber said that she had previously called several other landscaping companies and they had never shown up to give the HOA an estimate.

· Railroad Tie area near entrance – Jay Rogers suggested that the railroad ties be pulled up and that just add some grass in the area and let it be. Jeff Wood stated that the ACC did not get to the railroad tie area but if anyone was interested to follow-up there was money available (approximately $1,300) that had already been approved by the Board for use in this area. Arita Harber said she would follow-up and see what Lord’s Landscaping (Steve Hunt) could do for the money available.

· Streetlights – Rand Ramsdell said that he had been stood up three (3) times regarding putting in additional streetlights in the neighborhood. It was decided that additional streetlights would not occur. There was additional discussion about a streetlight (or moving the one nearest the entrance) to the entrance corner. Chris Pegram (past HOA President) stated that the city previously would not allow a light to be placed at the corner of Horn Tavern and Hidden Lake Drive. The streetlight that was put in at the time was as close to Horn Tavern Road as the city would allow. Mary Spain added that originally the city wasn’t going to put in any streetlights in the neighborhood, but they ended up putting in the ones we have now. Jerry Bull said he would try to get the mayor to agree to the HOA putting in or moving a streetlight to the entrance corner. Homeowners said that Shirley Forehand, City Manager, was who to contact. Spenser Aden (Treasurer) noted that the electricity cost per streetlight would be approximately $10/month. Mary Spain suggested that two (2) entrance lights could be added on either side of Hidden Lake Drive at the entrance off of Horn Tavern Road. Curt Havens found entrance lights (PL 06) at: http://solarilluminations.com/acatalog/Solar_Post_Pillar_Column_Pole_Lanterns_Light_Fixtures.html

New Business

· The current Board suggested at the last HOA meeting to have an HOA Management Company manage the HOA as it had been difficult to get homeowners to serve on the Board. Current Board members had been in place 2-3 years. While no homeowner wanted to pay extra dues, it was up to homeowners to step up and fill these positions. As an incentive to have homeowners serve on the Board, Spenser Aden moved, Chris Pegram seconded, to waive dues for Board Officers for the year they serve on the Board. Motion approved.

· There was a discussion as to disbanding the HOA and signing the common property over to the adjacent homeowners. It was noted that because of the common property, particularly from the entrance to Horn Tavern Road, this was not really feasible. Chris Pegram stated that the Board (when he was the President) had talked with the city and this would require a majority vote of the homeowners and having all the common property surveyed. He also said that self-governance was best to protect homeowner’s property (and sometimes from each other).

· Election of 2007 Board Officers – Spenser Aden moved, Arita Harber seconded, to approve the following homeowners to the HOA Board:

?˜ President -- Chris Pegram (with the understanding that if he moved during the year, the Vice President would assume President duties).
?˜ Vice-President -- Jay Rogers
?˜ Secretary -- Paul & Carolyn Becker
?˜ Treasurer -- Dale & Brenda Harder

Motion Approved – and thank you to the new Board Officers.

Chris Pegram made a motion to change the by-laws to have the Vice-President
move to the President position the following year and the outgoing President serve on the ACC. While other homeowners thought this was a good suggestion, that would entail a three (3) year commitment from someone willing to be the Vice-President and not realistic. The majority of homeowners present thought that this could be an unofficial objective but didn’t want to formalize it.

· Approval of the 2007 HOA Budget – Spenser Aden (Treasurer) presented the proposed Budget for 2007. He had also prepared a budget that included a HOA Management Company (which would cost $650/month and would double the annual dues amount for homeowners). Rand Ramsdell said that the lowest “ballpark” amount per telephone conversation was $400/month. Chris Pegram moved, Jay Rogers seconded to approve the 2007 Budget (without HOA Management fees), and with the following adjustments: (1) adjust for Board Officer dues being waived; (2) reduce from 4 to 2 times to rent space for meetings; (3) include $100 for 4 Yard Sale signs; and, relocate $2700 from the Capital Budget to Architectural Improvement. Motion approved.

Posted by hiddenlakehoa on 12/21/2006
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