Hidden Lakes Homeowners Association

July 31, 2007 HOA Meeting Minutes

JULY 31, 2007—7:00 p.m.

Jay Rogers, president of association, welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Jay became president after Chris Pegram moved. No vice-president at this time. Does there have to be a vice-president? By-laws state that there only needs to be 3 officers which we have. (Pres., Treas., Secretary)

21 homes represented and attendance noted

New Board Members introduced: Jay Rogers, President, Paul & Carolyn Becker, secretaries, Dale & Brenda Harder, treasurer

Minutes passed out from last meeting in December. Minutes approved.

Treasurer report given by Dale Harder.
1. PO Box fee--$52
2. Yard sale ad same as last year.
3. Lawn care same amount
4. Some dues are not paid.
a. Should we list names in newsletter?
b. Jay does not want to list names.
c. Letter will be sent to homeowner with deadline and if not paid
give to our attorney.

5. Homes bought during the year, the realtor should check on status of dues paid by previous owner.
6. Paul & Carolyn Becker have copies of by-laws and they are also on the web-site.

ACC Committee-Jeff Wood, Chris Spain & Arita Harber
1. Everything pertaining to property changes must go through committee for approval.
2. New residents need info when they move in---a packet of info on web page info, by laws, dues., etc.
3. Realtor should be notified when house is being sold and when house closes, check with closing agent on dues that are due when they move in.
4. Add ACC Committee to Web Page—agreed.

Social Committee
1. Sat., Aug. 25, 2007—all day pool party at Fairview Rec. Center
2. Halloween Party—Terry Creech volunteered to organize.
3. Association Plan for 4 events per year--$1,000 total to be spent or
$250 per event. Spencer made a motion asking for vote on 4 events per year plan. Chris Spain seconded. Vote passed.
4. July 3rd Party-Homeowners’ Assn. Mtg.---HO Association would provide
meat & buns- Families bring side dishes and fireworks.

NEW Business

1. Railroad ties—take out and plant grass.
2. Jere Bull—why are we paying for a landscaper to care for property we don’t own?
3. Don’t have landscaper cut anything in front of complex where Bradford pear trees are.
4. Spencer will contact Steve Hunt of Lord’s Lawncare to check on new price for not maintaining these areas that aren’t ours. Motion made by Spencer to do this---Jere Bull seconded—motion passed.

New Construction Area
1. Jay went to Planning Mtg.
2. 15 acre plot behind and beside homes will be constructed with 20 homes.
3. Most homes will be built on a single cul de sac in pie shape lots.
4. One has already been built beside Lot 1.
5. 2nd to be built at end of street facing Horn Tavern. The remaining 18 on single cul de sac.
6. Donnie Cunningham will be the builder.
7. Trees will not be cut down.
8. $300-400,000 homes to be built.
9. Not in our homeowners’ association.
10. Our neighborhood ends at Hidden Lake sign.
11. Carol Wirth—builder has filled in ravine behind new construction-will cause possible drainage problems during a heavy rain and also new construction driveway sloped toward their property.

Our Common Areas
1. Does Marlon Cunningham still own our common area property?
2.Carol said Marlon Cunningham’s name still on deed.
3. He was to turn over all property deeds and checkbook in 2001.
4. Mary Spain made motion to contact attorney to find out what attorney will charge to find out: what land is ours, dimensions of common areas, what part of lake is ours, pre-agreement on what happens if water backs up on our properties due to new construction.
5. Motion seconded by Arita.—Motion passed.
6. Attorney Will Long has done work for us before.
7. Don LaVorn—Over Building Planning in Fairview.

Web Page Link: www.neighborhoodlink.com

Hidden Lake Homeowners Association
PO Box 156, Fairview, TN 37062

Motion made by Curt to give out listing of neighbors’ addresses & e-mail addresses if they want them given out.

2nd by Char—motion passed

Jay announced next meeting the 1st part of Oct.—meetings to be in April & Oct.

Meeting adjourned.

Minutes submitted by
Paul & Carolyn Becker
Posted by jayrogers on 12/06/2007
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