Pond revisited

Posted in: River Trails
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No contradiction, and I never asked them to help.... I simply said enforce the regulations and city codes already in place.  I believe it's very clear what's expected of each and everyone of us in our "deed" even down to what type of storage shed we can have, to what type of composite roofing material we can use.  I also feel it is wrong to expect a handful of people to do what each and everyone of us should be doing anyway.  I think it's lazy and irresponsible as a homeowner not to research yourself whats going on in your community, after-all, we obviously all have the resources, otherwise you would not have been able to access this web-page!(which by the way is a forum that can easily be created without and HOA) and as far as mowing goes...you would think the people up front would appreciate his services enough and have enough pride as property owners to reward his efforts by replacing their fences, and you are very correct, the City is who I should be complaining to, not the HOA, because they really don't have any authority(thanks for pointing that out) and I am sure they are tired of being the bad guy...thanks for the suggestion and the insight. I'm curious is your fence one that needs to be replaced?  PS:  The families on San Joaquin that took the time and effort to apply for a permit for the July 4th block party, well they have no titles or dues but they did what was "Neighborly and right"  I was not able to attend, but Thank you!

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If you're directing the fence question to me, I'm sorry to disappoint you. But, no. It's not me.  However, I am the one that purchases the flowers for the entrance at Seguin Trail and drags multiple water hoses down the steet to try and keep them alive.

And you're right anyone could start a webpage with a forum but, who would? And, I'm sure events can go on throughout the year without an HOA.  Do you want to be the Easter Bunny next year? Because, the HOA President was it, many years in a row because noone else would.  It's one size fits all. Laughing

And, I have no problem with pointing out the facts.  They are what they are.

Kudos... To the San Joaquin families that thru the party.  Where was my invite? JK I would stop and party with you all sometimes but, I don't want to impose.  Do you guys care to host a National Night Out Party this year?  It will be in October.  I can assist you with getting give-aways and such from the police dept.  Just let me know.


Melissa McDougall




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No, it was not directed to you, you did not say  I  contradicted myself, it was directed to ssresident.  I am not taking away from your beautiful flowers at the entrance either, the fences are! I would also add although nice, I don't feel led to play Easter Bunny, you however seem very convicted so perhaps you could fill in next year.  The fact the the same people serve on the board and attend the meetings after all these years should speak for itself, that really there is not that much interest, and I haven't seen much improvement in 9 years(actually longer, I had friends here when the 1st houses were built on Salado) we have a greenbelt with someones personal playground equipment on it, vacant lots grown up with weeds(unless I mow it..and I do!) a lake(wait that's not ours) overgrown yards, rotting fences brush on the curbs all of which are city ordinance issues not hoa issues!  You probably should get off your soap box and get on your phone and call in the compliance issues, it's your responsibility as a homeowner, not as an "HOA" member!  I think I'll use my money to take care of the lot the city owns right next to my house, and buy Rat poison to kill the nests of rodents behind my fence (on MR. Newells property!) and as far as thre July 4th party, it was a block party, you bring the bounce house and I'll play Easter Bunny!  Why is it that the  block party is insignificant to you but the Easter Bunny isn't?  I think people being allowed to enjoy a Sunday with their kids riding dirt bikes and 4-wheelers by the freaking creek is e very bit as important as one time a year Easter Bunny!(ps: it's threw not thru)  and really were we that concerned with the contained trailers on Precinct? Like the Gas Wells, Pipes and Trucks are co much better!

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Honestly,  I think we have some unanswered questions that are frustrating our neighbors and it would be great if we could attend the next RTHA meeting.  Mr. Newell is suppose to attend as well.  Many of these questions can be asked and hopefully answered.  I live on San Joaquin and missed the party but all those people are my neighbors from one end of San Joaquin to the other including friends / neighbors from all over the neighborhood including the Lakes of Rivertrails.  I think it would be great if we hosted a get to know your neighbors party in October!  

And I am sorry to say this but honestly I was a bit irritated tonight when one of my  neighbors told me that when he was jogging down by the river on the trial - he had a lady and man yelling at him.   Why?  The question of whether or not Rivertrails can jog around that pond needs to be answered and hopefully the answer is yes.  We dearly love having the use of the pond.  I am very excited to attend  the meeting and meet Mr. Newell where this very question can be asked and the question about riding ATV's/dirt bikes in the land out back.  I am hoping that many of us will attend and join.  I know that the small price of $25.00 a year doesn't go far trying to keep the entrance of our neighborhood beautiful so I have no problem paying this.  Thanks!   

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