Forster Ranch Master HOA


Posted in: Forster Ranch Master

I have been researching the results of placing license plate reading systems into residential and commercial areas and they have had a dramatic impact on crime. We have people breaking into cars and homes, porch pirates and other "undesirables" walking our streets and if we were to implement LPR surveillance I believe we could greatly reduce this activity in Forster Ranch at a nominal fee to homeowners. To install 40 cams at $2500/yr per camera...the annual cost would be 100K/yr. How many residents are located in Forster Ranch? Does anybody know? Curious what the cost-per-homeowner would be if everyone chipped in and we tried it for a year. it provide law enforcement instant access online and in some areas has resulted in 100% arrest of criminals. If nothing else, it goes a long towards making Forster Ranch a less attractive neighborhood to target. I'm just tossing the idea out to see how others in this area feel about the idea. San Clemente already costs 50% more to live here than the national average but if it helps protect hardworking, decent people and their kids from bad people...I am willing to spend a couple hundred bucks annually for an LPR system. Am I alone? I won't link you to the vendors but you can Google LICENSE PLATE READER SYSTEM to learn about the deterrent. I'm sick and tired of reading the reports of burglary, theft and suspicious activity happening in our neighbor via the RING app. Lots of videos of criminals working our streets...I'd like to get rid of them. I may be alone in this regard. What do you think? Worth a one year test?

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