Illegal firecrackers at Sonoma Ranch again!!

Posted in: Sonoma Ranch
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  • Leah_
  • Respected Neighbor
  • San Antonio, TX
  • 28 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor
Dear Neighbors: Here's to wish you and yours a very happy and healthy new year! Hope you are doing well after the firecracker "attack" we were all submitted to last night. So very disappointing that this neighborhood has gone from bad to worse. Seems like we are surrounded by a bunch of scumbags ( idiots) that have no regards for adhering to the HOA covenants and city ordinance. Shooting fire crackers inside city limits is not only dangerous but against city ordinance and a violation of the HOA covenants. Last night, the sound of fireworks throughout the neighborhood was more unbearable than other years. What kind of example are these morons setting for their own children? Scary to think this could be a breeding ground for delinquents. As always;, Ruidosa Downs and Pueblo Pintado neighbors were at the top of the list. Fire crackers are fun and beautiful to watch at a park and at professional displays. There's a time and a place for everything. Firecrackers have no place in the neighborhood . Firecrackers are illegal, dangerous and a real nuisance!!!

I am fairly sure you are the only "real" nuisnace in this neighborhood. I think "scumbags" is a bit strong of a term for someone who uses fireworks within the city limits.

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  • Leah_
  • Respected Neighbor
  • San Antonio, TX
  • 28 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor
If it fits, wear it. Why does it offend you? I do not even know you so the adjective was NOT directed at you. Scumbag is actually a "euphemism" for an individual that chooses not to abide by the city ordinance and HOA covenants. There are STRONGER words that I could have used for morons that think the laws are there to be broken. All neighbors living in this community signed the HOA covenants and have an obligation to abide by them. Laws and regulations are necessary in a CIVILIZED society precisely to prevent a public nuisance. To those who love total anarchy, move to the jungle where there are no laws or regulations to follow. Being a law abiding citizen is not a nuisance. A nuisance is the individual that chooses to break the established laws and rules in his/ her community. Why do you think these rules do not apply to you? Since you are offended by my comment, I assume you must be "one of them" . If you are not, then the adjective does not apply to you so don't worry, be happy! People shooting firecrackers in the neighborhood are not only jeopardizing their own safety but the safety of the entire neighborhood. So many fires happen because of irresponsible idiots. If you do not care about your safety that is your problem but do not place the rest of us at risk. Go far, far away from the neighborhood and shoot firecrackers to your heart's content, go blow yourself up if that makes you happy but do it where I don't have to see you or hear you. DON'T BE A NUISANCE! Oh, I did not write the laws but I do abide by them and expect others do the same. I report all those that do not follow the law. Hefty fines are imposed by the local authorities to all those that are caught breaking the law so it is still your choice.
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