Farmington HOA

Where is Our Money Going?

Posted in: Farmington
  • Stock
  • alp0272
  • Valued Neighbor
  • USA
  • 1 Post
  • Respect-O-Meter: Valued Neighbor

After the increase in our HOA Dues, I am starting to wonder where our dues are going.  I have heard rumors that the board spends upward of $3000 for holiday dinners?  Has anyone else heard this rumor?

I can tell you that I find it frustrating as well.  What frustrates me is that the HOA is too lazy to go fix the info on the bulletin boards by the mailboxes and update the info inside as well as who to contact to put something there.  It has some lady named Sherry and her number listed and she has nothing to do with the HOA anymore.  I tried to contact someone to post something there and never even got a call back.  I haven't heard that rumor but it wouldn't surprise me.  The HOA is much like a miniature government, power hungry, collecting money and not doing anything that benefits the neighborhood with it.  Obviously paying the money doesn't do anything to beautify the neighborhood since pretty much everyone needs to paint their house.

I'm irritated as well. I am about to look over the budget documents and find out where the money is going.

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