Failure Turned Into Success

Heat Stress Alert

Posted in: Overlook Colony

Heat Stress Alert

Heat Stess Alert


  • What:

    Heat stress is an illness

    caused by heat

  • Where:

    Outdoors – in the sun

    Indoors – Hot rooms

  • When:

    Temperatures - 90°F

    or higher


Humidity above 60%


Who’s at risk:

Persons with chronic problems: Heart or kidney failure, Diarrhea Infection or Fever,

Drinking alcohol, Some Medications Reduced sweating, Overweight or underweight, Diabetes


  • Mild & Moderate

    Warning Signs


    Decreased energy

    Slight loss of appetite, nausea



    Heavy sweating, thirst, faintness,

    giddiness, headache, confusion


  • Treatment

    Get person into cool place

    Give more -uids to drink

    Remove excess clothing



  • Serious Signs

    Throbbing headache

    Mental confusion

    Irritability, combativeness

    Rapid heartbeat, dicult in


    Dry Skin (no sweating)

    Vomiting, diarrhea

    Muscle Cramps, staggering


  • Treatment

    Call 9-1-1

    This is a medical emergency



How to Reduce your Risk


•Drink plenty of water

•Wear light colored, lightweight, loose

clothing (cotton/synthetic blends are


•Wear a wide-brimmed hat, or use an

umbrella for shade

•Spend time in air-conditioned areas

(senior center, mall)

•Take extra cool baths and showers, and

sprinkle yourself with water

•Keep windows open

•Use insulated drapes; keep blinds/shades

closed during daylight hours

•Use fan, but only when there is cool air




•Don’t engage in vigorous activity in the

heat of the day

•Don’t travel outside in the heat of the day

•Don’t wear dark, nylon clothing that is


•Don’t drink alcohol or beverages containing

caffeine (coffee, tea, soda)

•Don’t eat hot, heavy foods

•Don’t increase salt or potassium intake or

take salt tablets without doctor’s okay

•Don’t use a fan to blow extremely hot air

on yourself



Prepared by the Delaware County Offce of Services for the Aging


steve! over @ claymont ncc delaware

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