Crescent Lake Neighborhood Association

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Crescent Lake Neighborhood Association


Crescent Lake lies at the center of our neighborhood, surrounded by a manicured 56-acre public park. East of the lake is the "Great Banyan Tree", a living "jungle gym" for generations of our children. It is featured on the neighborhood logo. To the south is Huggins-Stengel Field, once Spring Training home for the New York Yankees and now serving the Tampa Bay Devil Rays organization. Further south still is the neighborhood's most visible landmark, a 1923 water tower, recently repainted as a giant salt water aquarium by local muralist, Tom Stovall.

East and west of the park, our residential streets, some with brick paving and hex-block sidewalks, slumber beneath stately trees. Nearly every street has a view of the lake. Beyond the residential sections lie busy 4th and 9th (Dr. M. L. King) Streets North. New businesses along these streets are rapidly transforming our area into an antique shopper's Mecca.

The Crescent Lake Neighborhood is located one mile north of St.Petersburg's central business district. We are a short drive from shopping, restaurants, medical facilities, waterfront parks and the interstate.


The architecture of Crescent Lake is an eclectic mix of early and mid-twentieth century styles. Early styles include Foursquare, Craftsman, Colonial Revival, Mediterranean Revival, Art Deco and Tudor. Eighth Street has a particularly fine collection of 1920s Tudor houses. Later styles include Minimal Traditional, Postwar and Ranch. Along the lake are some early Ranch-type houses dating from the late 1930s.

Our buildings are diverse in form as well as style. The housing stock includes single-family homes, garage apartments and small multi-family structures. Businesses along 9th Street occupy large converted dwellings, helping this busy street retain the air of the grand residential boulevard that it once was. The later development along 4th Street has left us with a lively collection of automobile-related commercial structures in the Art Deco style.


A cypress dugout canoe dredged from Crescent Lake in 1924, provided evidence of a Native American presence in the neighborhood. The canoe, now in the Museum of History, is thought to date from about 1800.

In the 1870s and 1880s, settlers of European origin arrived and put the land to agricultural use, chiefly citrus groves. This way of life did not last long. With the completion of a streetcar line out 9th Street to 34th Avenue in 1914, the groves became valuable suburban property and subdividing began.

The opening of Crescent Lake Park in 1927, heightened the neighborhood's appeal. The park was the brainchild of master developer Perry Snell, who acquired and held the necessary parcels until the city was able to buy them. Shortly after the park opened, the city built a ballfield for the New York Yankees at the south end, ensuring that national sports figures like Babe Ruth, Lou Gerhig and Joe DiMaggio would join a long list of local business and civic leaders who have been our neighbors.

The neighborhood acquired its final form just before World War II, when palm-lined drives went in alongside the lake. The building boom that gripped St. Petersburg and the nation immediately following that war quickly filled all remaining lots.

Because of its natural beauty, the neighborhood has remained popular. Renewed strength in the current decade, evidenced by the growth of the Crescent Lake Neighborhood Association and the adoption of the Crescent Lake Neighborhood Plan, has led to greater visibility for the neighborhood, higher property values, restoration of aging structures, and a higher standard of maintenance. The future looks bright.


The Crescent Lake Neighborhood Association was formed in 1989, when a group of citizens, who met initially to discuss crime issues, decided there was scope for broader improvement. One of our first acts was to adopt Crescent Lake Park and begin planting trees to replace those lost to storms and disease. The group also joined the Neighborhood Conservation Program and Certificate of Inspection Program and ratified the 4th Street Corridor Plan.

In 1990, the association began to write a neighborhood plan. A city grant purchased technical support from the University of South Florida, and City Council adopted the completed plan in 1995. The Crescent Lake Neighborhood Plan was first neighborhood-initiated adopted plan. Major projects such as entryway improvements and enhancement, landscaping, a fountain and observation decks at the lake, park expansion, and meeting hall remodeling are outlined in the neighborhood plan. The association's calendar is always crowded. Besides producing and hand-delivering newsletters to 750 households each month, we hold a garage sale, lake cleanup, Spring picnic, Octoberfest, annual holiday party, and participate in such events and organization as CONA, Paint St. Pete Proud, Crime Watch, Adopt-A-Family, and the Parade of Neighborhoods.

Neighborhood grant projects

The Neighborhood Partnership Grant Program has been instrumental in improving the neighborhood. Our first grant enabled us to produce a color marketing and informational brochure. A second grant, along with monies from Mercantile Bank, allowed us to hire USF's Center for Community Design for technical support in writing our neighborhood plan. A project identified during the planning process, landscaping a broad median on 17th Avenue North, was completed with a third grant while the plan was in the final stages of preparation. The grants have been matched by hundreds of hours of volunteer labor.


About our association


Crescent Lake Neighborhood Association By-Laws

Crescent Lake Neighborhood Association, Inc.
Incorporated 1989

Article One: Name

The name of the organization is:
Crescent Lake Neighborhood Association, Inc.

Article Two: Purpose
The purpoose of the Association is to enhance, improve, and beautify the Crescent Lake Area, which is bordered by 22nd Avenue North to the north, 12th Avenue North to the south, 4th Street to the east, and 9th/Dr. M.L. King Street to the west. Promoting the general welfare, happiness, and civic pride of the real property owners, tenants, and residents in the Crescent Lake Area is at the heart of this stated purpose.

Article Three: Membership

Section 1. The membership shall consist of Active and Associate members.

a. An Active Member is any adult real property owner, tenant, or resident of the Crescent Lake Area whos dues are currently paid. An Active Member has the right to vote and privilege of holding office. New active membership shall begin 7 days after receipt of dues.

b. An Associate Member is any adult living outside the boundaries of this Association whose dues are currently paid and who endorses the goals of this Association. An Associate Member does not have the right to vote or hold office.

Section 2. Any person who ceases to be a member of the Association shall forfeit all right of interest in any property of the Association.

Article Four: Dues

Section 1. Members shall be required to pay annual dues in the amount as recommended by the Board of Directors and approved by the majority of active members present at any general meeting of the Association.

Section 2. The fiscal year shall be the calender year.

Article Five: Elections

At the September meeting, the active members present shall elect a nominating committee of a minimum of three members.
The committe shall prepare a slate of officers and directors and present it at the October meeting. Additional nominations shall be taken from the floor and nominations closed.
A sample ballot shall be circulated in the November newsletter.
Elections will be held at the November meeting. The ballots will be available at the door at the meeting room and active members present will complete their ballots and drop them into the ballot box provided. Balloting will be opened one-half hour after the announced starting time for this meeting, and closed 20 minutes later.
The Nominating Committee will tally the votes during the meeting and will report the results before that meeting ends. The prevailing candidates will be officially seated at the end of the December meeting and shall serve until new ones are elected.
In the event no candidate wins a majority, the two candidates with the largest number of voters will be voted on.
All candidates for any office whall be given a brief opportunity to speak before the balloting begins.

Article Six: Officers

Section 1. There shall be four Officers: President, Vice-president, Secretary and Treasurer. Duties of these Officers shall include, but not limited to, the following.

Section 2. The President shall:

a. Be the Executive Officer and preside over the meetings of the Association and the Board of Directors.
b. Co-sign with the Treasurer any contract or obligation as authorized by the general membership.
c. Submit an annual budget to the Board of Directors, no later than the February Board meeting.
d. Have authority to create Special Committees and appoint committee chair persons, except the Nominating Committee.
e. Be an ex-officio member of every committee, except the Nominatin Committee.
f. Give an Annual Report at the Association's December general Meeting.
g. Appoint a committee approved by the general membership to audit the financeial records annually.
h. Appoint a Parliamentarian.
i. Upon leaving office, be an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors, for one year.

Section 3. The Vice-president shall:
a. Perform the duties of the President when the President is absent.
b. Assist the President or Board of Directors upon request.
c. Assume the office of the President for the remaining term, should that office become vacant.

Section 4. The Secretary shall:
a. Keep minutes of the Association meetings and Board of Directors meetings, and promptly send or deliver them to the President.
b. Recieve any written communication or reports from members and commiittees, and promptly send or deliver them to the President.
c. Maintain a current list of names and addresses of all members.
d. Safely keep all corporation documents and have a reference copy of the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws available at all Associaton meetings and Board meetings.
e. Regualaryl pick up and promptly distribute Association mail received at the post office.
f. Send our or provide all notices as may be required.

Section 5. The Treasurer shall:

a. Collect or receive all money belonging to the Association, promptly deposit all funds in the name of the Association in such financial institutions as the Board of Directors may designate.
b. Pay all recurring, normal, or routine bills of the Association as authorized by the Board of Directors, and disburse any other funds as approved by the general membership.
c. Co-sign with the President any contract or obligation as authorized by the general membership.
d. Co-sign checks with any Officer.
e. Give a monthly Treasurer's report at the general membership meetings and a written financial report, whenever requested, to the board of Directors.
f. Maintain the financial records.

Article Seven: Directors

Section 1. The Board of Directors shall consist of all Officers and Directors, as may be elected, and the outgoing President. The Board of Directors shall have no less than seven (7) members. The office of any Director failing to attend two (2) consecutive regular Board meetings or Association meetings may, at the discretion of the Board, be declared vacant.

Section 2. The Board is charge with the responsibility of transacting the regular, routine business of the Association. Among it's duites, the Board shall:

a. Authorize payment of recurring, regular, or routine bills of the Association.
b. Fill vacancies on the Board for the term remaining, except the office of President, by a majority vote.
c. Create and define the duties of all Standing Committees and confirm the President's appointment of all Standing Committee Chair persons.
d. Approve the purpose and duties of Special Committees.

Article Eight: Committees

Section 1. Standing Committees shall be created and dissolved by the Board of Directors. Standing Committee Chair persons shall be appointed by the President and confirmed by the Board.

Section 2. Special Committees shall be created and dissolved by the President. Their purpose and duties shall be defined by the President and approved by the Board.

Section 3. A committee shall not engage in any activity in the name of the Association which is contrary to the goals and stated purpose of the Association.

Article Nine: Meetings

Section 1. General Meetings of the Association shall be held generally once a month, with a minimum of 9 a year. The time, date, and place shall be recommended by the Board of Directors and approved by a majority of active members at any general meeting. At leaset (7) days notice shall be given to all members whenever there is a change in time, date, or place of the regular general meeting.

Section 2. Special Meetings of the Association may be called by the Board of Directors or by written request of ten (10) active members. Written notice of the date, place and purpose of Special Meetings shall be provided to all Association members at least seven (7) days before any special meetings.

Section 3. The January general meeting shall be known as the Annual Meeting.

Section 4. A quorum at the general or special meeting of the Association shall consist of ten percent (10%) of the active membership or fifteen (15) active members, whichever is less.

Section 5. The Board of Directors shall meet regularly once a month. Special Board meetings may be called by the President or any three (3) Directors. At least three (3) days notice must be provided to Directors for Special Board meetings. In all Board meetings, a quorum shall consist of four (4) Directors.

Article 10: Standing Rules

The orderly transaction of business affairs during meetings shall be goverened by Robert Rules of Order, Revised. The Parliamentarian shall advise the President as needed and shall attend all general or special meetings of the Association.

Article Eleven: Amendments

These By-Laws may be amended in the following manner over a period of three (3) consecutive general membership meetings.

Section 1. First Meeting: Any proposed amendment must first be accepted for consideration by a majority of active members at any general meeting. If accepted, notice of the proposed amendment must be provided to all members at least seven (7) days before the next general meeting.

Section 2. Second Meeting: The proposed amendment shall be read to the general membership.

Section 3. Third Meeting: The amendment must be approved by two-thirds (2/3) of the active members present.

Article Twelve: Fund Raising

Any fund raising shall be approved by the Board of Directors and shall not violate any city, county, state, or federal statute or law. Donations shall be accepted.

*"An ex-officio member of a committee or Board is one who is a member by virtue of holding some particular office. If the office is under the control of the Society, then there is no distinction between the ex-officio member and the other members. But if the ex-officio member is not under the authority of the Society, he has all the privileges but none of the obligations of membership as weere the Governor of a State is ex-officio manager or trustee of a private academy. Sometimes the By-Laws provide that the President shall be ex-officio member of every committee; in such a scase it is evidently the intention to permit, not to require, him to act as a member of the various committees, and therefore in counting a quorum he should not be counted as a member "Source: Robert's Rules of Order, Revised.

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