Coronado Shores Condo Assn No. 4

Remodeling Rules & Regulations

Las Flores Remodeling Rules



In accordance with the CC&R's, The Articles of Incorporation, and the By-Laws of the Association, the Board of Directors has established the following Rules and Regulations for the remodeling of individual Units. The prime motives of your Board in establishing these Rules and Regulations have been to treat all Homeowners fairly, to protect the property values of all homeowners, and to provide for the safety and comfort of all residents.

1. The term "unit" is defined as an Association Condominium residential unit located at the Las Flores Tower, Coronado Shores.

2. The term "remodel" or "remodeling" or "remodeled" is defined as follows: Any structural modification to the interior of a Unit, including but not limited to movement, relocation construction, or removal of Unit walls, floors, bathrooms, bathroom facilities, kitchen, kitchen facilities, balconies, balcony enclosures, installation or re-surfacing of unit flooring, or any other room or fixture other than wall coverings, or painting.

3. No unit may be remodeled without complying with all of the following:

(A) Written permission from the Association must precede Unit remodeling. Written application for Association permission must be personally delivered to the office of the Association Building Manager prior to any unit remodeling

(B) Oral or non-written applications for permission to remodel a unit made to the Building Manager, any individual member of the Association Board of Directors or at a regularly scheduled board of Directors meeting do not constitute an application for permission to remodel a Unit under the By-Laws. Any response to oral or non-written applications for permission to remodel a Unit may not be reasonably relied upon as the basis for remodeling a Unit.

(C) Any written application for permission to remodel a Unit must include the following:

(i). A detailed written description of the intended remodeling, including the nature of the work to be performed, when remodeling activity will begin, the extent of any construction that might adversely impact other Unit owners or residents, and the specific time and days during which heavy construction might occur.

(ii). Written diagrams/drawings detailing the proposed remodeling.

iii). The name, address, telephone number and California Contractor's license number for each Contractor who will remodel the Unit. Remodeling must be accomplished only by licensed California Contractors.

4. Any written application for permission for remodeling may be conditioned upon the applicant obtaining and providing the Board of Directors, City of Coronado, or other required building and Fire Marshall permits or approvals for the proposed remodel, and a Five Hundred Dollar ($500.00) refundable deposit to be held by the Association to secure cleaning or repairs of common areas made necessary by the proposed remodel, but not necessarily limiting liability to that amount.

5. All written applications for permission for remodeling shall be delivered to the Las Flores Tower Manager for review with the Las Flores Tower Engineer for comment prior to submission to the Association Board of Directors for approval or non-approval.

6. Homeowners are advised that prior to commencement of any work activity that he/she obtains from each Contractor, Subcontractor or workman a current copy of insurance coverage as follows:
(a) Liability and general Comprehensive.
(b) Statutory Workmen’s compensation for all employees and Employees Liability including occupational disease coverage.
(c) Automobile liability and Property damage coverage.
(d) Products liability and property damage coverage.
(e) Contractors should provide the Homeowner a “Certificate of Insurance” for each policy and notify the Homeowner within 3 days of cancellation or material change in coverage.

7. Not more than Thirty (30) days after receipt of a written application for permission from the Association Board of directors to remodel a Unit, The Association Manager shall notify the Owner in writing the decision of the Association Board of Directors on the application for permission to remodel. The Association Board of Directors reserves the right to postpone its consideration of a matter in order to conduct additional studies or to seek the advice of outside consultants.

8. The Association Board of Directors, in reviewing each remodeling application, will exercise reasonable discretion in approving a remodeling request. The Association Board of Directors may consider the following factors or guidelines in determining whether approval of the proposed remodel should be issued:

(A) How the Unit as remodeled will affect the use of the interior of the Unit.

(B) The adverse impact upon other Unit Owners or residents that might result from construction associated with the proposed remodel.

(C) Possible over utilization of common areas, or increases in common area maintenance expense or over utilization of Las Flores Tower facilities that might result from the proposed remodel.

(D) Whether the proposed remodel violates the applicable Association Conditions,Covenants and Restrictions, By-Laws, Rules and Regulations, City of Coronado Municipal Law, the Uniform Building Code, or any other applicable state or federal law or regulation.

(E) The esthetic impact upon the architectural or visual integrity of Las Flores Tower and adjoining properties as reasonably determined by the Association Board of Directors.

9. The Association Manager shall provide a written decision to an applicant’s request to remodel a Unit. Any verbal representations regarding approval or non-approval of a remodel application shall be of no effect and may not be reasonably relied upon by a Unit owner or resident applying for permission to remodel a Unit. If approval is denied, the written decision shall describe the specific reason for denial.

10. All proposed remodels must be in strict compliance with the CC&Rs, the Association Articles of Incorporation, the By-Laws, these Supplemental By-Laws, the rules and Regulations of the Association and any applicable federal, state or local laws or regulations, including, but not limited to City of Coronado municipal law and the Uniform Building Code.

11. An applicant, Unit owner or Unit resident who remodels a Unit without written permission from the Association Board of Directors must immediately remove or be financially responsible for the removal of said remodeling.

An approved remodel must be completed, and all remodel construction activity concluded, within 180 days from the date the Board of directors approves a Association remodel, or the Unit must be returned to its original, pre-remodel condition at the expense of the applicant or owner.

13. The Association Board of directors, or their authorized representative, shall have the right to inspect a Unit being remodeled at any time and at the completion of the remodel to ensure compliance with all applicable rules and regulations.

14. Additional kitchens, bathrooms or rooms may not be added to a Unit. Unit kitchens and bathrooms may not be relocated within the Unit. Additional waste lines may not be added to an existing waste line in a unit. No structural modification or alterations in a unit are allowed that result in the creation of an additional bedroom or sleeping space in addition to the bedrooms that appear on the original condominium plan recorded in the office of the County recorder of San Diego County.

15. Relocation or detouring of existing vertical cable television lines in a Unit or common area must be placed in rigid conduit with sweeping bends to allow renewal of the cable in the future.
16. Permissible floor covering in a Unit is carpet over approved pad, in all areas except as permitted below. Installation of “hard surface” flooring, (vinyl, marble, tile, hard wood), is prohibited due to sound transmission to the Unit below. Hard surface flooring is permitted only in kitchen, bathrooms, and entrance area, and further limited to the unit’s original configuration. Hard surface flooring must be installed over approved ½ inch cork underlay as required by city code. See attached floor plans for authorized hard surface flooring areas.

17. The remodel applicant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Association, Association Board of Directors, the Association Manager and Engineer for any liability caused by a discharge of any material or substance, including hazardous material, in violation of California or federal law.

18. All disputes arising out of these supplemental Rules and regulations including but not limited to, the enforceability of these supplemental Rules and Regulations, the approval or disapproval of a proposed remodel, or the enjoining or removal of an authorized remodel. will be resolved by submission to binding arbitration at the San Diego, California offices of Judicial Arbitration & Mediation Services, Inc. (JAMS). If JAMS is no longer doing business in San Diego, California or is otherwise unavailable to conduct the arbitration, the matter will be resolved by submission to binding arbitration at the San Diego, California offices of American Arbitration Association. The parties may agree on a retired judge from the JAMS panel. If they are unable to agree, JAMS will provide a list of three available judges and each party may strike one. The remaining judge will serve as the arbitrator. The parties agree that arbitration must be initiated within one year after the claimed breach of contract, occurrence or omission occurred, and that failure to initiate arbitration within a one-year period constitutes an absolute bar to the institution of any proceeding. The aggrieved party can initiate arbitration by sending written notice of an intention to arbitrate by registered or certified mail to all parties and to JAMS. The notice must contain a description of the dispute, the amount involved, and the remedy sought. If and when a demand for arbitration is made, the parties to the arbitration agree to execute a Submission Agreement, provided by JAMS, setting forth the rights of the parties if the case is arbitrated and the rules and procedures to be followed at the arbitration hearing. The arbitrator is empowered to award equitable remedies, including, but not limited to, injunctive relief to remove or avoid unauthorized or disapproved remodeling. The party that most nearly prevailed in the arbitration, as determined by the arbitrator, shall be entitled to an award of reasonable attorney fees and costs.

19. A copy of the approved building permits, Fire Marshall approvals & plans/specifications shall be provided to the Association.

20. In the event that the Association is required to challenge any unauthorized modification non-con-forming modification, the Association shall be entitled to recover its reasonable costs and attorney fees.

21. Work in Units is only permitted from 8:00AM to 6:00PM , Monday through Friday (except holidays). No work is permitted on Saturday, Sunday or Holidays without prior permission of the Manager.

22. If screens are to be installed, they shall be constructed of gray fiberglass screening with clear anodized 1" aluminum frames.

23. Only blinds, drapes, shutters, or curtains shall be used as window coverings. That portion of the window covering that faces the exterior of the building shall be white or off white.

24. If the windows are to be tinted, the shade of tint shall be light gray. Please see the Manager to obtain a sample of the approved tint.

25. Channeling. Coring. Detouring or Cutting of concrete floors, concrete ceilings, concrete columns, or concrete walls is NOT permitted.

26. Construction debris must not be thrown down the TRASH CHUTES or placed in the Association trash dumpsters. Please bag your construction debris and arrange to have it removed.

27. The Association grocery carts and luggage carts are NOT to be used to carry construction materials to your Unit or construction debris from your Unit.

28. Smoke detectors MUST be protected from airborne contaminants. WARNING!! DO NOT leave the condominium WITHOUT smoke detector protection.

29. You are responsible for any damage to common areas or required cleanup in common areas caused by your workers. Common areas are NOT to be used for storage.

30. In a limited number of areas, the construction of a storage box in the garage, in the units parking space may be permitted. Please see the manager for specific rules and regulations regarding this matter.

31. NO ENLARGEMENT of the Unit is permitted except the enclosure of the balcony.
** See attached Association No.4 Rules for Balcony Enclosures.

32. The applicant may be required to remove, at his/her own cost, any modification not in compliance with Association rules, conditions imposed by the Board of Directors, or federal, state or local law.

33. The doorperson MUST be notified of the names of all people who will need access to the Unit for them to be allowed entry.

34. No workers will be allowed entry through the main lobby doors when carrying any tools or materials. (Entry must be through the lower garage to the elevators).

35. DO NOT put anything (other than clear water) down the drains of the apartments or this Building.

36. Request for water shutoff MUST be made to the Manager/Engineer 24 HOURS in advance. There will be a one-time fee of $30.00 for shutting off water and draining down the stack.

37. It is the HOMEOWNERS responsibility to protect the common area floor, wall covering, elevator doors & frames, painted areas, trim and etc. The HOMEOWNER is required to clean any mess he/she or their workers make in this building.

38. Contact the Doorperson for any assistance needed for building/unit entry, loading / off loading materials.

39. ONLY the lobby/elevator door retainer key will be used to hold the doors open. (See the Doorperson for the key).( DO NOT USE ANY OTHER METHOD TO HOLD THE DOOR OPEN.) After loading/unloading, the elevator is to be released immediately

40. ONLY the SOUTH ELEVATOR will be utilized to move in/out or to transport tools/materials. The Doorperson will have the pads & protector mat installed in the SOUTH elevator.

41. ALL ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS in Las Flores Tower contain 20% ASBESTOS material. It must be handled in accordance with OSHA./EPA or other government agency requirements.

42. As this condominium was built before 1978, lead-based paint may have been utilized in both common and living areas.

If you have any questions concerning these rules & regulations please see the Manager for assistance and guidance. We are here to serve in the best interest of all the Homeowners and to keep Las Flores Tower a safe place in which to reside.

For the Board of Directors:

Seymour Kremen


WARNING!! You may be incorporating into your living room an area with no real roof !! The floor of the open balcony above your Unit has NO roofing material and was NOT made to be water proof!! The Association Will NOT be responsible for water leaks through the ceiling of your enclosed balcony area.

A. All new materials shall conform to the existing glass panels and aluminum frames in Las Flores Tower and shall conform to City of Coronado Building Codes.

B. The leveling of any balcony floor shall be accomplished by the use of fire retardant treated wood or equivalent. Terrace units are exempt from this rule.

C. The use of light weight concrete in conjunction with any element of a balcony enclosure is expressly prohibited. Terrace Units may use light weight concrete to level the floor.

D. Balconies shall be enclosed so that the entire balcony is enclosed and so that the glass will be placed not less than 30” from the outside edge of ledge. (See diagram attached).

E. The existing balcony railings shall remain in their original positions.

F. The top edge of any horizontal divider in a new window shall not be higher than 3’8” from the existing balcony deck and the bottom edge of said horizontal divider shall not be less than 3'2" from the existing balcony deck.

G. If the existing balcony window walls are not to be used to enclose the balcony then the vertical dividers in any new window wall shall be centered so as to line up with the main vertical posts in the existing railing.

H. Corner Units (03, 04, 08, 09). Vertical corner posts in the new window walls at the corners shall be equidistant from the existing railing corner posts.






CONTRACTOR: _______________________________________________________

CONTRACTOR’S LICENSE NUMBER: _____________________________________

PERSON TO CONTACT: ________________________________________________

CONTRACTOR’S PHONE NUMBER: ______________________________________

INSURANCE COMPANY AND POLICY NO._________________________________

CONTRACTOR’S SIGNATURE: ____________________________DATE: ____________

SIGNED: ________________________________

UNIT NO.___________DATE: _______________


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