Concord Neighborhood Association

Keeping Concord Beautiful!

Just a reminder about our responsibilities as Concord residents:

No Front Yard Parking!
Santa Ana Municipal Code 41-607e prohibits parking of vehicles in front yard areas other than a driveway. As part of a continuing effort to improve Santa Ana neighborhoods, citations are being issued for violations of this code. The fine for parking in a front yard is $52.00 for the 1st violation. The fine increases for continuous violations. Please help improve Santa Ana neighborboods by not parking vehicles in front yard areas.

Yard Sales Regulations:
??œSale dates for 2005: March 5&6, June 5&6, September 4&5, December 4&5
??œSales may start at 8:00AM and must end at 5:00PM
??œItems sold may not be displayed on public sidewalks, parkways or streets
??œItems sold must be used goods, and not purchased for resale
??œSigns may be posted one week before the sale weekend
??œSigns must be taken down one day after the last date of sale
??œSigns may not be posted on telephone poles, streetlights, traffic signs, city trees or any other structure in the public right-of-way. Any illegally posted signs will be removed
??œPersons conducting sales on any unauthorized weekend or violating any of the above regulations will be subject to a misdemeanor citation.

Landscape Maintenance
Poorly maintained lawns and landscaping can not only lower your property values but can also decrease the property values of the entire community. Code requires the property owner maintain both the front lawn AND the parkway. While the parkway is considered City property, it is the responsibility of the property owner to maintain it. If the property is a rental, the tenant may be responsible for yard maintenance provided that is a provision between the owner and the tenant.
Failure to provide and maintain your landscape can result in the issuance of an administrative citation with a penalty ranging from $100 for the first violation,$200 for the second and $500 for the third violation. You will be given a warning and an opportunity to bring the property into compliance before fines are imposed.

Commercial Vehicle Parking
A commercial vehicle can't be stored on residential property if it violates any one of the following:
??œover 10,000 GVWR
??œlarger than 8' wide or 7' high or 21' long
??œnot kept or stored within a fully enclosed garage or screened by a wall or fence from view. (not visible from the street)

Commercial vehicles with a GVWR over 10,000 pounds cannot be parked on public streets for more than two hours. Delivery vehicles are exempt when making deliveries. Examples of prohibited vehicles are: pickup trucks with a utility body, truck tractors, stake bed trucks, utility trailers, semitrailers, full size school buses, armored vehicle, taxicabs, watering trucks, and paratransit vehicles. Call the Santa Ana Police Department 714.834.4211 to report violations. A brochure detailing the regulations is available from Community Preservation 714.667.2780

Loud Music and Noise
Santa Ana Municipal Code Section 10-153 prohibits loud and racous noise from sound making or amplifying devices.

The ordinance states that it is unlawful for any person to cause, allow or permit loud or raucous noise from any device under his or her control. The ordinance is in force at all times of the day or night at any public or private location within the City of Santa Ana. The ordinance covers more than music. Any noise pollution like hammering late at night, dogs barking incessantly or revving up a jalopy without a muffler is covered if it's a public nusiance. A violation is a misdemeanor crime and can result in a fine of up to $1,000 and / or six months in jail. It's best to work out noise problems with your neighbors but the Santa Ana Police Department is there to help you. Remember to call 714 245-8665 and not 911 for this kind of problem.

Grocery Cart Theft
There has been an increase in abandoned carts in the neighborhood. Unauthorized use of a cart is against the law (B&P Code 22435). They're unsightly and contribute to the decline of the community.

Call the store whose name is on the cart to report the location and they'll pick them up or call 888 233-2278. If the cart doesn't have a store nameplate call the City of Santa Ana Public Works Agency at 714 647-3380 and it will be picked up.

Ralphs 714 542-3964
Kohls 714 973-9380
Target 714 541-4593

Posted by facosta on 02/26/2005
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