Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association

2005 - Cheatom Park Meeting Minutes(January - September)

Tuesday, January 18-February 15 , 2005

January - February 2005 - Cheatom Park Meeting Minutes

Renamed - Cheatom Park Neighborhood Assoc.
Tuesday, January 18, 2005, 6:00pm,

United Way Conference Center, Room F

Attendance: Officers: Debra Carr (President), Don Curry (Vice-President), Colete Root (Treasurer), Jeanne Dobrzynski (Secretary), Members: Pastor Derek Bastian, Bates Carr, Nina Koger, George Dobrzynski, Gerard Hill, Frank Owens Board Members: Joseph LeValley (Mercy), Han Wu (West Bank), Sgt. K. Veasley (DMPD), Fred Gilbert (DMACC), Bob Reynolds (Neighborhood Inspector), James Cahill, Jeremy Babcock (Anawim Housing).

Board Meeting

1. D. Carr called the meeting to order.
2. Cheatom Park Bylaws were reviewed and suggestions made for revisions. These items were to be brought to the membership for a vote at the immediately following members meeting. Please see bylaws for individual revisions.
3. D. Carr adjourned the board meeting.

Members Meeting

1. D. Carr called the members meeting to order.
2. Officers reports:
1. D. Carr stated the officers attended the November 22nd Des Moines City Council meeting where we asked for recognition of the voted name change to the Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association. The City Council voted to recognize the name change.
2. St. Paul A.M.E. Church supplied and delivered Thanksgiving food baskets to 12 families within Cheatom Park. The Christmas party hosted by St. Paul’s Church which was open to the neighborhood had approximately 80 people in attendance, with several families from the neighborhood.
3. Cheatom Park sponsored a family in the neighborhood for Christmas, by giving wrapped Christmas gifts to the family. Meredith Corp. donated books for the children in the family. D.Carr reported the family expressed their gratitude.
4. J. Cochran returned $320.14 to the neighborhood association. These were funds were previously withdrawn by J. Cochran on 10/25/04.
5. C. Root stated the Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association has established a new checking account at Bankers Trust. The balance in the account is $2108.64. Please see attached treasury report.
6. J. Dobrzynski stated the new address for the Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association is PO Box 656, Des Moines IA 50303. We will apply for non-for profit mailing rates after receiving a letter from the IRS recognizing the name change for the Neighborhood Association.

7. D. Curry stated he continues to work with Neighborhood Finance Corporation on getting Cheatom Park as a designated neighborhood. He will continue this work.
8. D. Curry stated the official email for the neighborhood association is

3. The new board members were introduced. They include: Fred Gilbert, Joseph LeValley, Frank Owens, Han Wu, Gerald Hill, and Nina Koger

4. The bylaws were reviewed and the suggestions from the board of Directors were discussed. D. Bastian moved to approve the Bylaws with the specified changes as stated. F. Owens seconded. The motion passed without opposition.
5. J. LeValley moved that membership dues be established as $12.00 per household. F. Owens seconded. The motion passed without opposition.
6. D. Carr discussed possible activities for the upcoming year. Possibilities include: Establishing a Neighborhood Watch, Summerfest (possibly in collaboration with DMPD), establishing a Youth Committee, and working on abandoned houses.
7. B. Reynolds asked the members to decide on 5 top priorities in the neighborhood for him to bring to the code enforcement department.
8. J. Cahill and J. Babcock from Anawim housing discussed their work in Cheatom Park and offered their support and assistance to the Neighborhood Association.

9. D. Carr adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jeanne Dobrzynski, Secretary, Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association


Tuesday, February 15, 2005, 6:00pm
United Way Conference Center, Room F

Attendance: Officers: Don Curry (Vice-President), Colete Root (Treasurer), Jeanne Dobrzynski (Secretary), Members: Bates Carr, Jan Hansen, Board Members: Frank Owens, Nina Koger, Han Wu (West Bank), Mikki Stier (Broadlawns Medical Center), Fred Gilbert (DMACC), Bob Reynolds (Neighborhood Inspector), James Cahill (Anawim Housing).

Board Meeting

1. D. Curry called the meeting to order.
2. Directors and Officers insurance was discussed. Board members were asked for suggestions on getting a better rate for D & O insurance. A previous quote was $800.00/year. It was recommended that we research getting a group policy with other neighborhood associations.
3. Business membership dues were discussed. It is unclear how business dues were determined in the past. It was recommended that other neighborhood associations be consulted for their policy on business dues.
4. D. Curry reported that a representative from Neighborhood Finance Corporation (NFC) would come to our April members meeting. Cheatom Park will apply to be an NFC designated neighborhood. Applications are considered once a year.
5. D. Curry adjourned the board meeting.

Members Meeting

1. D. Curry called the members meeting to order.

2. The minutes were reviewed and approved with one correction.

3. Officers reports:
1. D. Curry read a report from D. Carr.
2. C. Root gave the treasury report. The checking account balance is $2101.17.
3. J. Dobrzynski will send a letter to the Parks and Rec department on behalf of the neighborhood association requesting street signs for Cheatom Park.
4. F. Gilbert presented the results of the Revitalization Neighborhood Survey done in 2002. DMACC was a part of this collaboration; however the project never came to fruition. D. Carr wrote that the Polk County Housing Trust fund stated they never received the proposal for the recommended home improvements, thus funding was not allocated to this project. A discussion took place regarding the possibility of revisiting such an effort in the future with the Neighborhood Association involvement.
5. The Public Works department is taking requests for trees to be planted this spring. Requests should be forwarded by March 15.
6. Priorities for B. Reynolds to bring to Code Enforcement were discussed. The following were identified: 1.) Repair Curbs and Sidewalks 2.) Removal of Junk and Debris/ Alley Clean-up, 3.) Traffic/Safety issues, 4.) Parks – repair basketball hoops and tennis courts, 5.) Cleaning up abandoned houses/ lots.
7. B. Carr stated he would like to develop a men’s group to assist with the work of the neighborhood, including neighborhood.
8. J. Hansen announced that Ed Fallon is running for Governor in 2006. His campaign headquarters is located in Cheatom Park at 1135 10th Street.
9. D. Curry adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jeanne Dobrzynski, Secretary, Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association




Tuesday, March 15th-April 19th, 2005

March - April 2005 - Cheatom Park Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, March 15th, 2005, 5:30 pm
United Way Conference Center

Attendance: Debra Carr (President), Collete Root (Treasurer), Jeanne Dobrzynski (Secretary), Leane Banks, Christina Butts, Bates Carr, George Dobrzynski, Darlene Gant, Frank Owens, Kimberly Van Cleave, Sgt. K. Veasley (DMPD), Nina Koger, Gerard Hill, Lynda Walker-Webster, Iris Ward, S. Jean Wilson, Marie Headrick, Margaret Wright, Kashif, Brenda Bradley, Dorothy H.F. Prickett, Tammie Green, Han Wu (West Bank), Mikki Stier (Broadlawns Medical Center), Fred Gilbert (DMACC), Bob Reynolds (Neighborhood Inspector), James Cahill (Anawim Housing), Jim Underwood (United Way).

Board Meeting

1. D. Carr called the board meeting to order at 5:30pm.
2. D. Carr stated the IRS advised that the neighborhood association needs to shut down the old employer ID # and apply for a new employer ID. We need the original 501(c ) 3 application, which the IRS is sending. We will attach this to the new application. According to the IRS, in 1994 the status of the neighborhood association changed from an association to a corporation.
3. D. Carr presented information on grant opportunities available to our neighborhood. The grants are for up to $1000.00. The application is due the end of March. Additional grants will be available throughout the year. The group discussed areas grant money may be used. Ideas included neighborhood clean up, neighborhood watch, and updating the identity of the neighborhood, including changing the existing sign on 9th and University Avenue.
4. G. Hill moved that the Neighborhood Association apply for the grant and use the funds to update the identity of the neighborhood. C. Butts seconded. The motion passed without opposition.
5. The Board meeting was adjourned.

Members Meeting

1. D. Carr called the members meeting to order at 6:00pm.
2. The minutes were approved with one correction.
3. Jim Underwood from Human Services gave a presentation on summer jobs for youth. He stated there was decreased funding for subsidized jobs for youth this year, but that some positions are available. Youth must be at least 14 years old with a valid social security card to apply, they are paid minimum wage, and academic tutoring is offered as part of this program. Interested people should call Iowa Comprehensive Human Services at 245-7800 ask for Cheryl. D. Carr stated we should pursue joint funding to youth from our neighborhood to do work in our neighborhood.
4. E. Cardenas from ISED Ventures gave a presentation about helping people to get higher paying jobs. She stated qualifying people over 17 years old with no previous felony conviction could apply for free tuition to a Certified Nursing Assistant program at DMACC. The class is four weeks long from 8:00 am – 12:00 pm. Contact ISED at United Way for more information.
5. Margaret Wright shared information on the services Making Connections offers. This organization helps individuals and groups better coordinate and utilize resources. They are currently having weekly meetings with teens on Thursdays at 4:30 pm at North High School to discuss youth activities. There is consideration for a new youth facility, possibly located at MLK and Hickman. “Young Minds at Work” is a youth led discussion group. For more information call 282-3561 or check
6. B. Reynolds stated someone from the DOT would be present at the April meeting to discuss the 1-235 construction that will affect our neighborhood. Mr. Lusher also plans to attend the April meeting to discuss street paving in our neighborhood. B. Carr compiled a list of abandoned houses in Cheatom Park. Four of the nineteen properties owed back taxes. The City of Des Moines could potentially buy the tax certificate and sell the property to another buyer. B. Reynolds stated the city could now give a $40.00 ticket to homeowners who leave their garbage containers at the curb past the collection date.
7. The care of unkempt vacant lots was discussed. The lots continue to be a problem because some of the owners are not local and do nothing to maintain the properties. The city will only mow a lot 4 times a year. The vacant lots become an eyesore in between city clean ups and residents end up taking care of the lots the rest of the year. The neighborhood association will pursue options to hold landowners more responsible for their properties.
8. The increase in graffiti in the neighborhood was discussed. Sgt. Veasley stated priority is given to common areas, such as parks and public spaces. There is one clean-up crew for the entire city. Homeowners are given a notice if the graffiti is on private property.
9. Announcements:
1. The voice mail number for the Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association is 830-1900
2. Everyone is now able to get a free credit report. Contact
3. There will be a Streetlight meeting Wednesday, March 30th from 6:00pm – 8:00 pm. to discuss the lights in Cheatom Park.
4. The deadline to request a tree planting was March 15th. Contact Andy Foster at 283-4850 with questions. B. Reynolds stated another tree planting is scheduled for fall.
5. ISED offers free tax preparation. Contact ISED at United Way at 283-0940.
10. Ideas for the Cheatom Park Summer Fest were discussed. The event will take place in July. The neighborhood association will look into getting the Show Motion stage and the police horses.
11. Treasury Report: Checking Balance = $1926.30.
12. The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeanne Dobrzynski 4/2005

Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association

PO Box 656, Des Moines IA 50303

(515) 830-1900 (voicemail)

Tuesday, April 19th, 2005, 5:30 pm
United Way Conference Center

Attendance: Debra Carr (President), Don Curry (Vice President), Colete Root (Treasurer), Jeanne Dobrzynski (Secretary), Christina Butts, Toussaint Cheatom, Dave Discher (United Way), George Dobrzynski, Joe LeValley (Mercy), Frank Owens, Sgt. K. Veasley (DMPD), Nina Koger, Lynda Walker-Webster, Marie Headrick, Han Wu (West Bank), Bob Reynolds (Neighborhood Inspector), Joni Norman (NFC).

Board Meeting

1. D. Carr called the board meeting to order at 5:30pm.
2. There are flyers circulating the neighborhood promoting the organization “New Vision Inc.” The flyer uses the registered seal previously used by this neighborhood association, before the name change. Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association still holds the registration for this seal until 2014. The flyers are causing confusion in the community. The Neighborhood Association will seek legal advice on how to deal with this matter.
3. The Neighborhood Association is waiting for the IRS to send necessary forms to amend the corporate documents.
4. Des Moines Neighbors holds a recognition dinner every year. The Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association nominated Mercy Hospital, Sgt. Veasley, and Lynda Walker-Webster for recognition for the work they have done in the community. D. Carr thanked D. Curry for his help cleaning up the neighborhood and removing graffiti.
5. The board meeting was adjourned.

Members Meeting

1. D. Carr called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm. Members present introduced themselves.
2. The minutes were reviewed and approved as written
3. Treasury Report: Checking Balance = $1973.27. A Profit and Loss statement was distributed.
4. Joni Norman, a loan originator for Neighborhood Finance Corporation, gave a presentation of services available through NFC. NFC is a mortgage rehab lender. They offer subsidized mortgages and refinancing for people wishing to buy or rehab a home. They also offer free homeowner education classes and a tool lending library, which allows residents to check out tools free of charge with their $25 “library card”. NFC designated neighborhoods are chosen by the City of Des Moines. Cheatom Park will apply for this designation. For more information, call NFC at 246-0010.
5. Cheatom Park Summer Fest will be July 16th and 17th from noon – 7pm at Joanna Cheatom Park. Planned activities include a basketball tournament, inflatable jumping area, popcorn and snow cones. The Show Motion Stage and tables from various groups will be pursued. Toussaint Cheatom will coordinate this event and is looking for people to serve on the committee and work at the event. There will be a sign-up at the next meeting. Mercy Hospital may be able to assist with workers the day of the event.
6. Police update (Sgt. Veasley): There was a problem with graffiti in Cheatom Park. There has been no graffiti in the park for the past 3 weeks. Officers are patrolling the park. Radar stations will be placed around the Cheatom Park Neighborhood to monitor speeding vehicles. QT will donate money for the use of public safety in the neighborhood. Plans are to use the money, in part, for signs, walkie-talkies, and t-shirts. St. Paul AME is working closely with the Neighborhood Safety group. Some neighborhoods are developing a phone tree to promote safety. There is a Community Safety meeting the first Thursday of the month at United Way. All are welcome. Sgt. Veasley has youth available from 9:30am – 4:00 pm through the PACE program to do community service in the neighborhood. An email will be sent to people asking for suggestions for the PACE youth. Call Sgt. Veasley with police concerns at 205-2276, or Cindy Donahue at 205-2238.
7. H. Wu encouraged the Neighborhood Association to come up with a budget for the coming year.
8. The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeanne Dobrzynski 5/2005

Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association

PO Box 656, Des Moines IA 50303

(515) 830-1900 (voicemail)



Tuesday, May 17th-June 21, 2005, 5:30 pm


Tuesday, May 17th, 2005, 5:30 pm,

United Way Conference Center

Attendance: Debra Carr (President), Don Curry (Vice President), Colete Root (Treasurer), Jeanne Dobrzynski (Secretary), Christina Butts, Dave Discher (United Way), George Dobrzynski, Justin Hancock, Frank Owens, Sgt. K. Veasley (DMPD), Nina Koger, Lynda Walker-Webster, Han Wu (West Bank), Bob Reynolds (Neighborhood Inspector), Bill Lusher (Iowa DOT), Jodi Bruce (CHDC), Carol Bower.

Board Meeting

1. D. Carr called the board meeting to order at 5:30pm.
2. Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association is to receive $500.00 from Small Grants to be used for food at the Neighborhood Association renaming ceremony. The date for this event needs to be set.
3. D. Curry has a colleague that has volunteered to work on a logo for the neighborhood association. Samples will be emailed to the members.
4. Qwik Trip has given $500.00 for the neighborhood Crime Collaborative. A neighborhood watch program needs to be developed.

Members Meeting

1. D. Carr called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Members present introduced themselves.
2. The minutes were reviewed and approved as written
3. Treasury Report: Checking Balance = $2460.86.
4. Bill Lusher from the Iowa Department of Transportation gave a presentation on the I-235 construction. Members shared concerns about sound barriers and landscaping in the area bordering Cheatom Park. He stated landscaping would be done after construction is complete, and would like neighborhood input. His email is General information about the I-235 construction can be found on www.i235.ocm.
5. B. Reynolds reported that vacant lots with tall grass in the neighborhood were turned in to the city to be mowed.
6. Jodi Bruce from the Community Housing Development Corporation shared information about home maintenance services available to residents over 60 years old below the 50% income level, or those who are disabled. This group also builds and rehabs houses in the metro area. Call 557-1928 with questions.
7. Sgt Veasley gave a police update. The neighborhood association will meet with YMCA event planners regarding dismissal times from youth dances, to better coordinate with DMPD. There have been cases of fights and vandalism following these events.
8. The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeanne Dobrzynski 6/21/05

Secretary, Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association


Tuesday, June 21st , 2005, 5:30 pm,

United Way Conference Center

Attendance: Debra Carr (President), Don Curry (Vice President), Colete Root (Treasurer), Jeanne Dobrzynski (Secretary), Christina Butts, Bates Carr, Toussaint Cheatom, Carla Conner, Dave Discher (United Way), George Dobrzynski, Justin Hancock, Marta Harper, Marie Headrick, Jan Hansen, Denise Lovelady, Charles Lovelady, Lori Lavorato (DMPD), Sgt. K. Veasley (DMPD), Han Wu (West Bank), Bob Reynolds (Neighborhood Inspector)

Board Meeting

1. D. Carr called the board meeting to order at 5:30pm.
2. Samples for a Cheatom Park Logo were distributed and discussed. Plans for the renaming ceremony scheduled for June 28th from 6:00 pm – 8:00pm were discussed. The event will take place at Nash Park and will include a catered dinner for neighborhood residents. Christine Hensley, Debra Carr, and Toussaint Cheatom will speak at the event, and there will be other entertainment.

Members Meeting

1. D. Carr called the meeting to order at 6:10 pm. Members present introduced themselves.
2. The minutes were reviewed and approved as written
3. Treasury Report (distributed): Checking Balance = $2482.37.
4. D. Carr will write several “Neighborhood for Growth” grants for the neighborhood association.
5. Sgt Veasley gave a police update. DMPD will start foot patrol though Cheatom Park during evening hours. Residents expressed frustration with inadequate police response. Sgt. Veasley stated residents who do not get a response from the police after calling the dispatch number should call back and ask for the Watch Commander or the Sector Sergeant. The dispatch number is 238-4811.
6. Cheatom Park Summer Fest will be held on July 16th and 17th in Cheatom Park, and is open to all residents of the neighborhood.
7. The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeanne Dobrzynski 7/19/05

Secretary, Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association


Tuesday July 18th, 2005, 6:00pm


Tuesday July 18th, 2005, 6:00pm,

United Way Conference Center

Attendance: Colete Root (Treasurer), Jeanne Dobrzynski (Secretary), Dave Discher (United Way), Lynda Walker-Webster, George Dobrzynski, Marie Headrick, Sgt. K. Veasley (DMPD), Bob Reynolds (Neighborhood Inspector)

1. J. Dobrzynski called the meeting to order.
2. The minutes were approved with one correction (spelling error).
3. Treasury report: checking balance = $1955.71
4. L. Walker Webster made a motion for the Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association to join the Des Moines Neighbors. G. Dobrzynski second. Motion passed with no opposition. C. Root stated she would attend the meetings on behalf of the Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association.
5. National Night Out was discussed and it was decided by the assembly we would pass out ice cream sandwiches at Cheatom Park on the evening of August 2nd.
6. Details for SCRUB Day on August 6th were discussed. It will take place at North High parking lot. Cheatom Park will provide volunteers and Sgt. Veasley will bring PACE youth to work at SCRUB Day.
7. Police report: “No Parking” signs were placed on Ascension St. There have been decrease calls to the police about loud youth in the neighborhood. PACE youth are still available to provide lawn care to neighborhood residents. Forward requests to Sgt. Veasley. It was discussed that Enos Avenue has had increased trash on the street. It was discussed that there continue to be cars speeding in the neighborhood.
8. The meeting was adjourned.

Tuesday, September 20th, 2005, 5:30 pm


Tuesday, September 20th, 2005, 5:30 pm,

United Way Conference Center

Attendance: Debra Carr (President), Don Curry (Vice President), Colete Root (Treasurer), Jeanne Dobrzynski (Secretary), Dave Discher (United Way), Iris Ward, Darlene Gant, Denise Lovelady, Ray Lewis, George Dobrzynski, Justin Hancock, , Marie Headrick, Denise Lovelady, Sgt. K. Veasley (DMPD), Han Wu (West Bank), Bob Reynolds (Neighborhood Inspector), Nina Koger, Frank Owens, Frank Owens.

Board Meeting

1. The board meeting was called to order at 5:45 pm.
2. The Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association logo was put in the Nash Park sign over the old New Vision sign. Des Moines Parks and Rec was contacted by the past president of this neighborhood association regarding the old sign. Last November, after the name of this neighborhood association was officially changed from New Vision to Cheatom Park at the City Council Meeting, the rights to the New Vision logo were renewed with the State of Iowa for another ten years to avoid confusion in the neighborhood. D. Carr will be in contact with Des Moines Parks and Rec to address any issues that may arise.
3. October 1st is the start of the new year for the neighborhood association. Residential dues will remain at $12.00 per household per year. D. Carr and D. Discher will work to create a tiered dues structure for neighborhood businesses so they may choose their level of support.
4. Cheatom Park did not receive the “Weed and Seed” grant that was applied for.
5. H. Wu advised that we form a budget committee to establish a budget for the upcoming year. C. Root offered to work with H. Wu on this project.
6. The board meeting was adjourned at 6:10 pm

Members Meeting

1. D. Carr called the meeting to order. Introductions were made.
2. There were no minutes available to review; July minutes will be presented with September minutes at the October meeting.
3. Treasury report: Checking balance = $1956.14.
4. R. Lewis from Making Connections spoke about services the organization provides. They share the belief that “children to better when families do better.” They are committed to helping families with economics, youth issues, and school readiness. There are eleven neighborhoods, including Cheatom Park, that are involved in this project, which is in the fifth year of a ten-year pilot. Part of his job is finding out what the youth activity is in our neighborhood, helping to make a peaceful neighborhood, and helping develop youth into good citizens. He is available at 280-1850 or
5. D. Curry is working with a colleague to put together a proposal for a permanent sign at Nash Park. He will keep the assembly informed on this issue.
6. Police Update: There was a press conference promoting the Neighborhood Watch. Residents will be walking or driving through the neighborhood in groups of two or more 2 days a week. The role of the neighborhood watch is to just report, not confront. Residents complained about the youth activity on 11th Street. It was discussed that the landlord of problem residences be contacted. Residents continue to complain that police response unsatisfactory. A list was passed around the room to create a phone tree so that neighbors could call each other to report nuisances that are not getting an adequate police response. Sgt. Veasley again encouraged residents to call dispatch and ask for the shift supervisor or watch commander if the police response is not satisfactory. The first Thursday of the month there is a crime collaborative meeting from 6:00-7:00pm at United Way. Cheatom Park, King-Irving, Mondamin-Presidential, and River Bend neighborhoods participate – all are welcome to attend.
7. D. Carr adjourned the meeting at 7:15 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jeanne Dobrzynski

Secretary, Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association

Posted by cheatom on 09/19/2009
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