Charter Oaks Civic Assn.

What Do You Think?

Posted in: Piersons Ridge Maintenance Corp
The Pierson's Ridge community website is up & running! It's hosted by Neighborhood Link (TM). Please check it out and post your opinion. Remember!! Only appropriate language will be tolerated, and NO advertising is allowed.

By Jeff Dixon
Storm Water Management

I got a letter from Eddie Arocho of New Castle County Office of Community Governing. The subject was a one year amnesty program to help Maintenance Corporations manage storm water management facilities. The Office claims that it has tried unsuccessfuly to register our facility and wants to establish a community point of contact before the June 30th 2006 deadline. They prefer a Board Member from Maintenance Corp. I'm wondering if anybody else got this letter, but I am thinking that they may have had my address from years ago when I was handling things for the North Side. I am hoping that Jeff Dixon will see this posting and have a Board member contact Eddie at 302-395-5033.
This neighborhoodlink is a cool thing. We should get a lively discussion going on it!!! Regards, Bob Nickol - 1 Rebecca Court

By Bob Nickol
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