
Minutes September 4, 2001 General Membership Meeting

Oct 07, 2001

4 September 2001

Business Meeting ?–At 7:05 PM on 4 September 2001, Jan Doran, CONO President, called the CONO General Membership Meeting to order at the Colorado Springs Senior Center, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Board Members present included Jan Doran (Pres), Roy Ayala (1st VP), Lynn Poos (Tres), and Larry Bagley (Sec). The Agenda, Treasurer?’s Report, and the August Meeting Minutes were distributed. The minutes were approved as amended, and the Treasurer?’s Report, showing a balance of $1,927.56, was approved.
Introductions and Discussion ?– Jan Doran asked for and received introductions from attendees around the room.

Guest Speakers:

Lisa Mills (668-3820) and Kristin Bricker (668-8717) of the Colorado Springs Utilities presented an update briefing regarding Colorado Springs Utilities. The topics included ?“Rise and Shine by Design?”, ?“CSU Commitment to Issues Management?”, ?“Drake Power Plant Railroad Spur Update?”, and ?“Northern Water reclamation Facility Update?”. The Vision of ?“Rise and Shine by Design?” is minimum possible rate adjustments, a solid record of efficiency and cost reduction, popular products and service, good reputation compared nationally, and broad community support. The strategies are add sustainable value for citizen-owners, build and strengthen customer relationships, and contribute to community goals. The values are trust, responsibility, people, collaboration, and continuous improvement. The new structure is integrated resources, customer Care, Customer operations, Executive Services, General Counsel, and Planning and Finance. Under CSU commitment to business affairs and Issues management, CSU is committed to develop a systematic process to manage issues, work proactively with customers and employees to manage issues and business affairs, and to improve customer relationships and community perception of CSU. In the update on the Drake Power Plant Railroad Spur project, Lisa Mills reported the Planning commission approved the project on 12 July 01, the Housing Advocacy Coalition appealed, and the City Council initially unanimously approved it on 28 Aug 01. The City Council final approval is scheduled for 11 Sep 01. Lisa reported the CSU/Mill Street Neighborhood Association/CONO relationship was very positive and proactive ?– a model for future projects. The Northern Water Reclamation Facility is a project to offset the water treatment capacity shortfall and provide non-potable water in the northern part of Colorado Springs. It is to be built on the Police impound lot at Mark Dabling and Garden of the Gods. Montgomery Watson Engineering was selected to perform the pre-design for the Northern Water Reclamation Facility. Additional key informant interviews are scheduled in late September and CSU is planning and preparing to attend neighborhood meeting in September through December 2001. In response to questions, the new police impound lot will be at Las Vegas and Hancock and will be in operation in about 2 months; the Fontanero Service Center is an open questions, as is the Red Rock Canyon sub-station.
Councilman, Dr Ted Eastburn provided SCIP ballot information and answered questions. He and Margaret Radford provided handouts, provided updated information and answered questions regarding the SCIP Ballot. The final adjustments are being made on the ballot questions, but what was provided as draft is very close to what is expected to be on the final ballot. There some long-range drainage/road projects what will be under the county mil levy if it passes, and the working allows some shifting of projects based on stated criteria. Street lighting is included in the ballot issues. The concern regarding citizen inputs being ignored was discussed with special emphasis on the two swimming pools now included in the projects to be funded. Dr. Eastburn expressed the opinion Tabor is good in that it forces reviews of priority for spending tax dollars. By unanimous consent, CONO will plan to host a Ballot Forum the second week of October (probably the Tuesday after the General meeting). Margaret Radford stated the City budget for advertising SCIP ballot is $50K, and that if everything passed (county and city) it would be a 6.6% increase. She also stated the ballots are to be mailed 12-19 Oct 01, and material will be available for HOAs by mid-September. Police and fire department personnel will be available on their own time to make presentations to HOAs.

Business Reports/Presentations

SCIP Perspective: Walter Lawson ?– To be presented at the October meeting.

Membership/Dues ?– No report.

Appointment of Nominating Committee ?– Jan Doran named Pat Webb, Charley Hupp, and Larry Bagley as the 02 nominating committee and tasked them to have the 02 slate ready to present at the October meeting.

CONO Web Site - No report.

Red Rocks Canyon ?– Joe Fabeck and Don Ellis reported the issue is not dead. The developer has proposed a Golf Course, a Club House and tennis court that is to be on an easement and requires a special use permit. The concerns are septic for the clubhouse, county rules, and phased approach requiring piecemeal PUDS. The next step includes a series of public meetings. Nothing has gone to the Planning department yet.
Planning Committee ?– Ivywild and Norwood Auto Park is scheduled to be before the committee on 6 Sep 01.

Streamside Overlay and Project Impact ?– No report.

Public Safety ?– No report.

Neighborhood Updates ?– Skyway, Jeanne Matthews updated the report on the ?“concerts?” held in a residence in Skyway (Gazette reported in paper). Rickie Stuart Proposed a fund raiser ?– a flea market type arrangement as a Christmas bazaar to be discussed in October. Park Hills presented a plaque to Jan Doran/CONO. Jayme Fraser reported on a traffic problem. Rose Kliewer reported on a proposed home for runaways at 21st and Cucharras.

Announcements ?–

13, 27 Sep 01- 7 PM, E/W Mobility, 105 N. Weber

19 Sep 01 ?– 9 A.M. utilities Board, Fluoridation, Plaza of the Rockies, S. Tower, 5th Floor, Blue River Board Room.

2 Oct 01 ?– 7 PM, Next CONO meeting, election of Officers.

Newsletter - Newsletter items are to be submitted to Peggy Pantoja (tpan401437@aol.com, 473-9296). Inputs are always welcome. Minutes are posted to the CONO website at (www.CSCONO.org).

Next Meeting - The next CONO meeting is 7:00 PM, 2 October 2001 at The Senior Center, 1514 Hancock Avenue, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80903. HOA representatives are eligible to vote or send a proxy if dues for 2001 have been paid. Payment may be made prior to the meeting the night of the election. Associate members are not voting members. The Treasurer will have a current list of paid members available. To check on status call Lynn Poos at 599-4528.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 PM by resounding unanimous consent.

Respectfully submitted,

Larry C. Bagley
Secretary, CONO

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