Cherry Hill Orchard Homeowners Association (C.H.O.H.A)

Porch Lights ....

Posted in: CHOH

We do have a very dark sub in the early morning hours.

My first year here I was sending out my freshman girl our into the dark not even thinking about it.  Once she said somthing to me I asked a few neighbors with kids of their own to maybe leave on a porch light or 2 -- and it really helped!

10 plus years later I still am leaving on my porch lights for the other kids .... we can all help our kids to be safe by doing this.

They make such econimical light bulbs now and my cost is worth it -- and the lights don't have to be bright or at every house just dotted here and there ....

I would never want to have "street lights" per say they are invasive to me.  I like being able to turn off lights when the evening sky holds special attration.

As for entrance lights I agree with Rick when he asks about the people who will REALLY be affected by them.  I like the "look" but feel like the homes might be too close for comfort.  We have Rite-aid and parking lot lights in our back yard and I don't like it but have to live with it.  Tring to grow things to hide is not as easy as one thinks!

Interested in your opinions ...


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