Town of Braintree

School Budget Issues

Posted in: Braintree
This week's FORUM had a story about school building improvements. Roofs, windows, heating systems, ventilation systems, yada yada yada! All at a cost. What troubled me was reading that they included needs for the Eldridge, Foster and Monatiquot school buildings THAT AREN'T EVEN BEING USED AS PUBLIC SCHOOL BUILDINGS! The Foster built in the fifties hasn't been a public school since the late seventies! Our School Department has held on to it and rented it out. Same with Eldridge and Monatiquot - vacated as public school buildings for the past two years. And they want us taxpayers to spend money to improve those buildings being rented to others? Give us a break! Let the rentors pay for the improvements and if they don't want to, get rid of them and sell off the buildings.Our School department shouldn't be in the real estate rental business! We as taxpayers expended $1.2 MILLION DOLLARS to have the school building committee work up what it would cost to bring up to snuff (new replacements or repaired existing) and we're still paying off that loan we took despite not doing a damm thing about the results of the study. And our Selectmen who are equally naive want to spend two million bucks to put a new Mall with water fountain at Town Hall? Is there anyone out there listening to these nitwit proposals?

By Walter
People Listen Up

Do you hear how our money is being spent. And the finance committee will probably stand before town meeting and in their infamous words say: we suggest favorable action. Out with them all. Our leaders either have no backbone or they have special interests for their actions are grievous. The way they propose to spend our money you would think it was growing on trees in our town forest--have they no shame. Since the school committee wants to be landlords I hope the fin com is telling them to pay for repairs from their own income. Nitwit proposals, Walter you are too kind, they are criminal.
It's obvious

You don't know a thing about taking care of property if you own it. If you own a house and don't live in it but rent it to someone else, who does the repairs? The landlord, stupid. It's your property so ultimately you are responsible for it's maintenance. You reap the benefits and the money it generates therefore you also get the responsibility. Ask someone who is a landlord if their tenants pay for all the expenses of their apartments. My mother is one and she is responsible for the care of her apartments. If a boiler breaks down, she pays for it. People are only renting the space. And some of these buildings are in such disrepair it's amazing we can get any money for them at all. Maybe you should drop by them and see just what they need. You could also volunteer to do the work for nothing.

The school committee is the landlord, they should pay from the rents they collect that go into their general funds. Actually those properties should be sold and the monies used to support their expenses.
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