Bentley Place Civic Assn.

Cats Loose in Neighborhood

Posted in: Wrangle Hill Estates
Hi fellow neighbors: I have a problem with so many cats running loose after so much information being given by our News Letter pertaining to the County Regulations against cats roaming around our neighborhood. I found one trapped in our shed opened it 3 days later after using the shed. I felt awful for the poor cat. But it should not have been loose. Please, if you care for your precious cats at all, do not let them roam free. It is not fair to your neighbors or your pets. Not to mentions the cats driving our leashed and stay at pets crazy. Am I the only one who has a problem with this?
Miss cats not old neighbors

2 years ago our neighbors next door to us moved and took their cats with them. At the time i was happy because they were forever around the outside of our house. Now we have mice and i really miss the cats and would love to have them back but not with our old neighbors. There is a new cat lurking around and i am sorry that i do not agree with you but i welcome it with open arms i hated trapping the mice, i just try to avoid the cat poop.Put hot pepper flakes close to the outside foundation of your house and they will surely stay away.

Good day,

reply to problem with so many cats running loose!

I love this neighborhood, there are a few reasons why. The fact that I can walk out my door and be greeted by a sweet, non criticizing, something that does't worry about what everyone else is doing, saying and talking about. They mind there own business, they only want love and effect ion and a little bit of your time just like a friendly neighbor would if they stopped by for a visit. Really there is no difference, except the fact that they love people unconditionally unlike their human counterparts... I enjoy dogs if they stop by, or the birds when they come flying over to chat and get a bite to eat, oh yeah I also se squirrels, skunks, foxes, rabbits, groundhogs and even an occasional raccoon at my house. Day or night you can be amazed at the sights in this neighborhood. So why is it such a big deal about cats??? Should we outlaw all animals as well, after all they are all creatures of god and man should not have the right to be so petty about such things. Have your animals come over and visit I would love that, they are always welcome. Oh yeah and by the way the cats tend to ward off those pesky mice, moles and snakes from my area and that's a good thing. If they catch one I put it in a box and set it free in the woods away from peoples houses. Sorry you feel this way, maybe someday you can give in and try to get along with them to after all they are living creatures just like all the rest. Look into the ancestry of felines and you will learn a great deal on who they are and why they do the things they do. I researched every animal I have encountered since moving here many years ago and have a great understanding about them all. I watch all these animals at various times and its amazing how much different they are but they all co-exist with one another. I can walk around my yard at night and see skunks, cats, snakes, foxes, raccoons and sometimes yes even a dog or two and they are not even bothered by me. I guess they are used to me by now, I will even talk to them and they will give me a look and go on. Nothing gained nothing lost only peace. Try it some time you might even find out there not so bad after all.

                                                                    Great day neighbor

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I don't have any problem with cats being lose as they actually are useful as others have mentioned in their posts. I am only saddened by the stray cat on our street that is all skin and bones, and appears to have been abandoned. She looks miserable. What I DO mind is dogs running lose. They damage yards and gardens, and there's no way to know if a dog might bite or attack, so I don't want stray dogs wandering around MY kids.
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