Banta Neighborhood Association

BNA Bylaws

Banta Neighborhood Association Bylaws


Article I??“Name

The name of the organization shall be Banta Neighborhood Association (??œBNA???). In the event that BNA chooses to incorporate under the laws of the state of Indiana, the name of the organization shall be Banta Neighborhood Association, Inc.

Article II- Purposes and Objectives

The purposes for which the BNA is organized are:

1. To give citizens support for addressing and solving growing community problems;
2. To protect, keep safe, and provide quality of life for our neighborhood and its residents;
3. To enhance the livability of the neighborhood by establishing and maintaining an open line of communication and liaison between the neighborhood, government agencies and other neighborhoods;
4. To provide an open process by which all residents of the neighborhood may involve themselves in the affairs of the neighborhood;
5. To prevent the encroachment of commercial activities into the neighborhood;
6. To prevent an increase in the population density of the neighborhood;
7. To do and perform all activities related to said purposes.

Article III??“Membership

Membership in BNA shall be open to all residents and/or property owners of the Banta Neighborhood. The Banta Neighborhood is the area in Valparaiso, Indiana bounded on the south by the alley running east to west just north of Lincolnway Avenue, on the north by Elm Street, on the west by Morgan Street, and on the east by Roosevelt.

Article IV??“Governing Body

The BNA shall be governed by a Board of Directors consisting of 5 members: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Committee Coordinator.

The duties of the officers shall be as follows:

President: Preside over the meetings of the Board and General Assembly of the BNA, and to call the meetings of the Board. Maintain close relations with local, community and civic leaders and businesses.

Vice-President: Take over the duties and responsibilities of the President in the event that he/she is unable to fulfill their duties. Responsible for the logistics of meetings and the notification of participants.

Secretary: Maintain the minutes, records and correspondence of the BNA. Assist with notification of participants of meetings.

Treasurer: Keep books and accounts, collect dues and disburse funds in accordance with the direction of the Board.

Committee Coordinator: Assist in the development of committees to achieve the goals of the BNA. To coordinate activities of the Committees.

The duties of the Board of Directors shall be:

A. To call the General Assembly of the BNA.
B. To conduct the business and advance the purpose of the BNA, including acting upon the proceedings from the Standing Committees.
C. To authorize the expenditure of funds.
D. To form Ad Hoc committees and to delegate to them such power as deemed appropriate to meet their objective.
E. To fill vacancies on the Board by interim appointments which shall be valid for the remaining term of the position.
F. To appoint chairpersons of Standing Committees.
G. To set such rules as appropriate for the conduct of the duties of the Board, and to present these rules to the General Assembly for approval.

Article V ??“ Standing Committees

There shall be the following Standing Committees:

1. Safety ??“ To develop and maintain a safe and secure environment for the neighborhood, including traffic calming.
2. Social??“ To provide social activities for the neighborhood
3. Helping Hands ??“ To promote the spirit of neighbors helping neighbors
4. Beautification??“ To develop programs for improving the aesthetic quality of our neighborhood

Article VI--Elections

The Board of Directors shall be elected for terms of __ years. Elections shall be held at the Annual meeting.

Article VII??“ Meetings

The BNA shall hold regular meetings at least quarterly. The Board of Directors may schedule meetings more frequently to accommodate current business. The regular meeting in October of each year shall constitute the Annual meeting.

Article VIII??“ Procedures

The BNA shall follow Robert??™s Rules of Order in all areas not covered by the bylaws or procedural rules adopted by the Board of Directors.

Article IX??“ Incorporation as Not-for-Profit Entity

The Board of Directors is authorized to incorporate the BNA under the laws of the State of Indiana as a not-for-profit corporation and to apply for Section 503(c) status with the IRS. In the event that the BNA incorporates as a not-for-profit corporation, the Vice-President shall act as registered agent for the BNA and cause all annual reports required by law to be filed.

Article X ??“ Dissolution

Upon dissolution, no member or officer shall have any right to, nor shall receive any assets of the BNA. The assets of the BNA are permanently dedicated to a tax-exempt purpose. In event of dissolution, BNA??™s assets, after payment of debts, will be distributed to an organization which is tax exempt under the provision of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code.

Article XI ??“ Funding

The Board of Directors may authorize such fundraising and other activities, including applications for grant monies, as necessary and appropriate to achieve the objectives of the BNA.

Article XII ??“ Amendment of By-Laws

Amendment of these By-laws shall require 2/3 vote of the members present at a meeting of the General Assembly, provided that there are at least 10 members present to constitute a quorum.

Posted by djdohner on 10/24/2008
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