Andresen/St.Johns Neighborhood

Park Rules - County Code

For your information

As we have discussed in past neighborhood meetings, the rules of your new park apply at all times though the rules are not posted at this time. For your information, here is the county code related to park rules.

Do not hesitate to call 9-1-1 if you see a violation in progress. By showing a zero tolerance from the onset, it sends a message that you will not tolerate people disrespecting YOUR park.

For access to all of County Code, cut and paste this web address in to your web browswer.

Chapter 9.04

Chapter 9.04
9.04.010 Short title.
9.04.020 Hours.
9.04.030 Protection of property—Destruction of buildings, monuments, and other properties.
9.04.040 Destruction of plantlife and natural surroundings.
9.04.050 Fires.
9.04.060 Protection of wildlife—Animals and birds.
9.04.070 Contraband.
9.04.080 Swimming, bathing and wading.
9.04.090 Boating.
9.04.100 Camping.
9.04.110 Horses.
9.04.120 Motor driven vehicles.
9.04.130 Operation of bicycles.
9.04.140 Peddling and soliciting.
9.04.150 Unlawful obstruction.
9.04.160 Hindering employees.
9.04.170 Alcoholic beverages, drugs.
9.04.180 Personal conduct.
9.04.190 Firearms.
9.04.200 Littering and pollution.
9.04.210 Public exhibition.
9.04.220 Procedure for obtaining permit.
9.04.230 Special permits.
9.04.240 Fees and charges.
9.04.250 Reservation.
9.04.260 Parking in prohibited areas.
9.04.270 Cruising in and near park land.
9.04.280 Penalty.

9.04.010 Short title.
The short title of this chapter shall be the “Clark County Parks Rules Ordinance.” This chapter may be cited by its short title. (Ord. 1976-05-43 (part) 1976)

9.04.020 Hours.
No person or vehicle shall remain upon property under the jurisdiction of the county parks during closing hours set by the county parks, except at designated fishing sites, camp areas and other special use areas. It shall be unlawful for any person to enter upon any portion of park land or waters which have been designated as closed to public use or entry. The county parks director shall post the area open to the public for the specified hours. Parks not posted shall be open twenty-four (24) hours a day. (Ord. 1976-05-43 (part) 1976)

9.04.030 Protection of property—Destruction of buildings, monuments and other properties.
No person shall upon the property of the county parks:
(1) Wilfully mutilate, injure, deface or destroy any guidepost, notice, sign, enclosure;
(2) Cut, break, mark upon any building, bridge, wall, fountain, hedge, or other structure;
(3) Appropriate, excavate, injure or destroy any historical ruin or any object of antiquity, or otherwise harm any work for the protection of ornamentation of any park or parkway. (Ord. 1976-05-43 (part) 1976)

9.04.040 Destruction of plantlife and natural surroundings.
No person shall upon Clark County park properties:
(1) Cut, break, injure, destroy, take or remove any tree, shrub, timber, plant or natural object in any park;
(2) Remove any earth, boulders, gravel or sand, without written permission of the county commissioners. (Ord. 1976-05-43 (part), 1976)

9.04.050 Fires.
Fires in park properties shall be confined to camp stoves, fireplaces, or firepits provided for such use. No fire shall be left unattended or be permitted to spread or extend to or burn any shrubbery, trees, timber, ornaments, or improvements. At the discretion of the parks department, fires shall be restricted or prohibited at times when fire hazard conditions are high. (Ord. 1976-05-43 (part), 1976; amended by Ord. 1981-09-24 (part), 1981)

9.04.060 Protection of wildlife—Animals and birds.
It shall be unlawful for any person while on park property to:
(1) Cause or allow any animal or fowl to run or roam at large, except as provided in Section 8.15.020(2);
(2) Hunt, pursue, trap, kill, injure or molest any wildlife or disturb their habitats;
(3) Take any fish from the waters of any park, except in conformity with the rules and regulations of the State Fisheries Commissioner;
(4) Permit any animal, where allowed, to be unleashed or untethered at any time, except as provided in Section 8.15.020(2);
(5) Permit any dog, cat, or other domesticated animal—with the exception of the county sheriff’s mounted or canine patrol—to enter the swimming area of Salmon Creek Park;
(6) Permit any dog, cat, or other domesticated animal—with the exception of the county sheriff’s mounted or canine patrol—to enter the developed areas of Vancouver Lake Park between April 1st and October 31st. (Ord. 1976-05-43 (part), 1976; amended by Ord. 1981-09-24 (part), 1981; amended by Sec. 1 of Res. 1991-09-10; amended by Sec. 2 of Ord. 2005-08-10)

9.04.070 Contraband.
All game, animals, fowl, birds, fish and other aquatic life, hunted, killed, taken or destroyed or had in possession contrary to regulations are declared to be contraband and shall be subject to confiscation. Any weapon or object, or objects carried or used by any person in violation of these rules, shall also be subject to seizure by the county. (Ord. 1976-05-43 (part), 1976)

9.04.080 Swimming, bathing and wading.
No person shall:
(1) Swim, bathe, or wade except at such times and places as may be provided or designated for such purpose;
(2) Leave a child unaccompanied by an adult in or near any lake, pond or watercourse;
(3) Appear in a nude or naked condition. (Ord. 1976-0543 (part) 1976; amended by Ord. 1981-09-24 (part), 1981)

9.04.090 Boating.
No person shall bring into, use, or navigate any boat, yacht, canoe, or raft or other watercraft upon any watercourse upon the properties under the jurisdiction of the county, except at such places as may be provided or designated for such purpose. (Ord. 1976-05-43 (part), 1976)

9.04.100 Camping.
It shall be unlawful to camp except in such areas as may be provided and designated for such purposes by the county. (Ord. 1976-05-43 (part), 1976)

9.04.110 Horses.
It shall be unlawful:
(1) For any person to ride or lead a horse upon any property under the jurisdiction of the county not designated and posted areas or bridle paths;
(2) For any person to ride a horse in a careless, negligent or reckless manner so as to create a nuisance or to endanger the life, property, or persons of others on any lands under the jurisdiction of the county;
(3) For the driver of any vehicle to not yield the right-of-way to any person riding a horse on marked paths. (Ord. 1976-05-43 (part), 1976; amended by Ord. 1981-09-24 (part), 1981)

9.04.120 Motor driven vehicles.
It shall be unlawful for any person to:
(1) Operate a motor-driven vehicle of any kind except on roads or designated parking areas;
(2) Operate a motor-driven vehicle on any park or roadway at a speed exceeding ten (10) miles per hour or at any speed greater than that posted;
(3) Operate any motor-driven sled or snowmobile on any property under the control of the county parks department except where permitted by posted notice;
(4) Drive a motor-driven vehicle for the purpose of having a speed contest. This section does not apply to any event for which a permit has been applied for and granted by the county commissioners;
(5) Drive any motor vehicle upon county park property while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or narcotic, drug, barbital, or any derivative of barbital;
(6) Operate a motor vehicle upon county park property while his license to operate a motor vehicle has been suspended or revoked;
(7) Operate a motor vehicle without having a valid operator’s license and motor vehicle registration;
(8) Operate any vehicle upon county park property contrary to posted traffic signs, symbols, rules or regulations on marked roadways;
(9) Operate any vehicle in any manner upon county park property which results in excessive noise or disturbs the peace of other persons using the area;
(10) Operate or ride a motorcycle without wearing equipment or clothing as may be required by state law. (Ord. 1976-05-43 (part), 1976; amended by Ord. 1981-09-24 (part), 1981)

9.04.130 Operation of bicycles.
(1) Bicycles shall be operated as closely to the right-hand curb or right-hand side of the path, trail or roadway as conditions will permit and not more than two (2) bicycles shall be operated abreast.
(2) Bicycles may be operated upon such paths, trails, or roadways as may be designated for vehicular use, and shall only be operated during park hours, and shall obey the rules and regulations applicable to motor vehicles. (Ord. 1976-05-43 (part), 1976)

9.04.140 Peddling and soliciting.
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a concession, sell, or offer for sale, peddle, hawk or vend any goods, wares, merchandise, food, liquids or services, without prior written authorization of the county commissioners. (Ord. 1976-05-43 (part), 1976; amended by Ord. 1981-09-24 (part), 1981)

9.04.150 Unlawful obstruction.
No person shall by force, threats, enclosing, or any other means prevent any person from entering or leaving, or making full use of any park property. (Ord. 1976-05-43 (part), 1976)

9.04.160 Hindering employees.
No person shall interfere with, or in any manner hinder any employee or agent of the county while performing their official duties. (Ord. 1976-05-43 (part), 1976)

9.04.170 Alcoholic beverages, drugs.
No person shall have in their possession any intoxicating beverages while in or upon the property under the jurisdiction of the county parks department. No person shall sell, use or have in their possession any drug or narcotic, the sale, use or possession of which is prohibited by state law. (Ord. 1976-05-43 (part), 1976)

9.04.180 Personal conduct.
(A) It is unlawful for any person to:
(1) Be under the influence of intoxicants, or to engage in any violent, abusive, loud, vulgar, ob-
scene or otherwise disorderly conduct, or to disturb or annoy park patrons, or to harass livestock or interfere with farming activities which have been lawfully permitted on property under the jurisdiction of the county parks department.
(2) Practice or play golf, or any other game of like character, or operate any radio or remote-controlled model airplane or self-propelled boat or any model rocket within a county park except in areas specifically designated by the parks division and posted for such use, or with the permission of the parks director.
(3) Conduct or to participate in any form of gambling or game of chance upon park property except in accordance with state law and county ordinance.
(B) Any bona fide charitable or nonprofit organization desiring to conduct legalized gambling pursuant to the laws of the state of Washington and such ordinances pertaining to gambling adopted by Clark County shall apply to the Clark County commissioners for a permit to do so. (Ord. 1976-05-43 (part), 1976; amended by Ord. 1981-09-24 (part), 1981; amended by Sec. 1 of Ord. 1995-11-20)

9.04.190 Firearms.
No person shall, at any time, bring into or upon the properties of the county, nor have in their possession, nor discharge a revolver, pistol, shotgun, rifle, bow and arrow, crossbow, slingshot, spring or gas propelled b-b and pellet guns, spears or javelins, or any other weapon, except in designated target range areas. (Ord. 1976-05-43 (part), 1976)

9.04.200 Littering and pollution.
It shall be unlawful to:
(1) Discard, to deposit refuse of any kind in or upon any park property except by placing in containers provided for such purpose;
(2) Throw, drop or discharge into or leave in waters any substance, liquid or solid which may result in the pollution of said waters;
(3) Deposit household trash or garbage either on park property or in trash receptacles belonging to county parks. (Ord. 1976-05-43 (part), 1976)

9.04.210 Public exhibition.
No person shall exhibit, display or show anything or collection of things, or perform or assist in any performance in or upon county park property likely to cause persons to congregate so as to interfere with the proper use of the property by the general public or to obstruct the passage of vehicles or persons without first obtaining written permission from the county commissioners. (Ord. 1976-05-43 (part), 1976)

9.04.220 Procedure for obtaining permit.
This ordinance provides for the temporary exclusive use of park property in the following manner:
(1) Upon receiving a recommendation from the park board, the county commissioners may grant a permit with conditions and restrictions for special use of any park or portion thereof for a limited period of time for noncommercial purposes, when the granting of such use will not impair the county’s ability to provide adequate park space and facilities for the general public during such period of time.
(2) Before the park board makes a recommendation on any permit, the person or organization seeking such permit shall file a letter of application setting forth the following facts:
(a) Name, address and telephone number of the person filing the application;
(b) Names and addresses of persons who manage the organization and will oversee the use requested;
(c) The exact purpose for which the permit is requested;
(d) The park and portion thereof requested for such use;
(e) Exact dates and hours for which the use is requested;
(f) The number of persons expected to attend;
(g) Types of equipment and devices which will be used during the event.
(3) The county shall require an agreement to indemnify the county against any and all loss or damages or claims for damages arising from or out of a special use permit.
(4) As a condition of approval, the county shall require a surety bond/or liability insurance, with the county named as additional insured party.
(5) In reviewing a special use permit, the park board shall consider the following elements in rendering a recommendation:
(a) The nature of the proposal;
(b) The subject park property;
(c) The adaptability of the park to accommodate the requested use;
(d) The total number of persons expected to attend the use;
(e) Past experience with the particular type of use;
(f) The effect on adjacent neighborhoods and properties;
(g) The safe and orderly movement of traffic within the park;
(h) The fire and police protection needs;
(i) The possible damage to the park resource from conduct of the use;
(j) Health factors;
(k) The impact on other park users.
(6) Application for a use permit must be made 60 days prior to the event.
(7) Outdoor music festivals, entertainments, amusements and assemblies as defined in RCW 70.108.010 and Clark County Code Section 5.32.020 shall be allowed in strict conformance to the codes along with special conditions required by the Clark County park board. (Ord. 1976-05-43 (part), 1976; amended by Ord. 1981-09-24 (part), 1981)

9.04.230 Special permits.
No erection, construction or maintenance shall be made on the property of the county parks by any person, firm or corporation without having obtained written permission authorizing such works from the park director and specifying in detail the work to be done and the conditions to be fulfilled. (Ord. 1976-05-43 (part), 1976)

9.04.240 Fees and charges.
It shall be unlawful for any person to:
(1) Use any facility for which a fee has been established by the county without payment of such fee.
(2) Charge fees for entrance to any park area, or charge a fee for use of park property or for any event which may take place on park property, unless authorized by the county commissioners. (Ord. 1976-05-43 (part), 1976; amended by Ord. 1981-09-24 (part), 1981)

9.04.250 Reservation.
It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to interfere with the use of a reserved area of the park. (Ord. 1976-05-43 (part), 1976)
9.04.260 Parking in prohibited areas.
It shall be unlawful:
(1) For the operator of a vehicle to stop, stand or park his vehicle in any place marked as a passenger or load zone.
(2) For the operator of a vehicle to stop, stand or park his vehicle upon any roadway or in any parking area as to form an obstruction to traffic.
(3) To park in areas not designated for parking. (Ord. 1976-05-43 (part), 1976; amended by Ord. 1981-09-24 (part), 1981)

9.04.265 Presumption in reference to illegal parking.
There shall be a prima facie presumption that the registered owner of such vehicle was the person who parked or placed such vehicle at the point where, and for the time during which, such violation occurred if it is proven that the particular vehicle described in the complaint was stopping, standing or parking in violation of this chapter together with proof that the defendant named in the complaint was at the time of such violation the registered owner of such vehicle.
In accordance with RCW 46.90.740 this presumption only applies when the procedures prescribed in RCW 46.90.720 and 46.90.730 have been followed. (Sec. 2 of Ord. 1979-09-28)

9.04.270 Cruising in and near park land.
It shall be unlawful to continuously cruise in any motor driven vehicle through any park area. (Ord. 1976-05-43 (part), 1976)

9.04.280 Penalty.
It shall be a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of two hundred fifty dollars ($250) and/or ninety (90) days incarceration in the county jail to commit any act made unlawful by this chapter or for any person to violate any of the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 1976-05-43 (part), 1976)

Posted by chasndabad on 01/03/2007
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