A.C.C.O.R.D., unincorporated Arapahoe County

ACCORD Minutes - 5 March 2001

Mar 11, 2001

ACCORD Minutes
5 March 2001, Castlewood Library

Let the record show a quorum of 23 members was present.

Randy Pye, President, called the meeting to order at 6:50 pm. Due to his being elected Mayor of Centennial, Randy felt it would be appropriate to resign from the Exec. Bd. of ACCORD. The normal chain of command would have Tanis Kirrane, 1st VP, then Brad Calbert, 2nd VP succeed him, neither wanted the position. He then appointed Cathy Noon/Chaparral Interim President of ACCORD and stepped down. Executive Board attendance: Cathy Noon/Chaparral, President; Brad Calbert/Cherry Knolls, 2nd VP (Plans); Hanna Goldberg/Palos Verdes, Treasurer; Andrea Suhaka, Executive Coordinator/ Secretary were present. Tanis Kirrane, 1st VP (Membership) was absent. Betty Wotring requested a change in the agenda in that Angela Phillips/Cherry Creek Schools would like to present first as she had another meeting to attend. She was not present at the moment so we proceeded with Plans till her arrival.

Andrea Suhaka and Brad Calbert briefly presented 1 Arapco* plan received in the past month.

Ms. Phillips arrived and presented information on schools and the planning process.

Cathy invited special guests to speak.
1. Marie Mackenzie, BOCC*, Dist. 3.
?• The county is advertising for a new Finance Director, current Dir. is retiring in June.
?• Arapco is meeting with elected officials of Cent. & working on IGA
?• Dougco is amenable to helping Cent. Airport w/funding, Arapco is amenable to giving them voting status on Airport Auth. Bd., need IGA
?• The first closing on the 17 Mile House will soon take place
?• 4 parks will soon come on line in the Four Square Mile area from developer land dedication & cash in lieu
?• The county's 2002 budget has been delayed by Cent. coming on line
?• The PC* currently has 5 members residing in Cent., they will remain on the PC until the Comp. Plan is adopted, and then be replaced by 5/1/01, PC will go from 9 to 7 members;
2. Mark Campbell, ACSO*, Patrol Capt.
?• All key Lt. & Capt. are being certified in risk management.
?• New night scope technology was instrumental in the capture of a burglar responsible for many burglaries
?• Simple steps to help burglar-proof your house: lock doors, close garage door, lock car in garage, don't leave purse or wallet in car, etc.
3. Eloise May, ALD*.
?• Tax forms are at all the libraries
?• Computer & internet classes continue to be very popular at all libraries
?• Library service includes home delivery to home bound
?• Used art book sale coming up on June 1, 2, 3
4. Jean Flynn, SSPRD*.
?• FoxRidge, Fox Hill playground renovations have been approved
?• EchoStar has provided $20K toward the Watson Lake project
?• Web site address has changed to www.sspr.org
?• She distributed information on this year's Matching Grants program, $5K more available over last year.
4. Eloise May, ALD*.
?• Over the past 9 years library dist. circulation has increased from 1 million to 2.5 million items; from 15% to 30% items that aren't books.
?• Plans are being drawn up for the Castlewood renovation.
?• Milliken Park, Clarkson & Panama, and Heritage Village playground are starting the process
?• All 11 proj. approved in the last bond election are now in or done with the renovation process
?• SSPRD has purchased the Family Golf facility by Cent. Airport for $7 million. 135K sq.ft. w/2 ice sheets, driving range, laser tag, climbing wall, etc. Should pay for itself.
5. Mark Lampert/Yorkshire Estates, Bd./Dir. for Cunningham Fire spoke for Chief Rhodes.
?• The state Health Dept. is forcing the hospitals in the SE area to discuss the hosp. divert issue
?• South Metro has hired 2 firemen & is looking for 3 deputy chiefs

Officers?’ Reports:
1. Executive Coordinator?’s Report: Andrea Suhaka.
?• Passed around the clipboard with material received over the past month, slow month.
?• Dues bills have gone out to members. Monies will be separated: incorp. & unincorp.
2. Treasurer?’s Report: Hanna Goldberg. Andrea reported for Hanna, unanimously approved.
?• Checking: Beginning Balance (2/5/01) $ 70.35
No activity 0.00
Ending Balance (3/5/01) $ 70.35

?• Savings: Beginning balance $ 371.60
No activity 0.00
Ending balance $ 371.60
3. a. ACCORD Future Committee/Incorporated, Cathy Noon/Chaparral:
?• Hopefully there will be a meeting shortly with Randy.
b. ACCORD Future Comm./Unincorporated, Paul Rosenberg/Hills at Cherry Creek:
?• Next sched. organizational meeting is 3/20 at Parker Fire Sta. 72, very busy recruiting members
c. Tom Goodyear/Huntington Estates-Welch suggested it might be a good idea to hold off the regular April elections to May, after new organizations are up & running.
4. Minutes were approved as mailed.

Evening?’s presentation
A. Cases #F01-001, Big House Comprehensive Plan Amendment was presented by Molly Thomasch, Thomasch & Assoc. The purpose of this amendment seems to be to increase the density of the single family-attached zoning definition or lower the density of the multifamily definition. Each unit would have its own garage and entrance, not more than 8 to a "unit," could be stacked flats or townhome style.
After a great deal of discussion a motion was made to oppose this amendment. It appears to be a deception to increase density in single family zoning, it is completely unacceptable to consider a Comp Plan amendment when the county's new Comp Plan is so near completion, and there is NO "gap in the zoning regulations that this definition must fill. This passed unanimously.

The rest of the 6 Arapco plans were then reviewed and the comments accepted unanimously. The comments are found elsewhere in this mailing.

Meeting adjourned at 10 pm. Minutes respectfully submitted by Andrea Suhaka.

* ACSO-Arapahoe County Sheriff?’s Office, ALD-Arapahoe Library District, Arapco-Arapahoe County, BOCC-Board of County Commissioners, Dougco-Douglas County, DSIM-Division of Development Services & Infrastructure Management, DRCOG-Denver Regional Council of Governments, SSPRD-South Suburban Park & Rec. District

Meeting Information Preserved:
- PC agendas: 3/6; annotated: 1/16, 2/6 and 2/20
- BOCC annotated agendas: 2/6, 2/20, 2/27,
- News release from BOCC asking for applicants for county boards & committees
- 2 Southeast Corridor items
- Arapco Triad notice
- Denver Post web site printout on ACSO use of nightscope
- ALD, "By The Book, " March 2001


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