Profile for zelda

Bio Details


Welcome Neighbors!

Hi, I am a relative newcomer having moved into the neighborhood late last spring. I live on Sailors Reef and am enjoying the greenbelts, open feel, and of course the lake. I work as a Realtor/trainer-manager. I have 2 children, (Chloe and Dylan) and one small dog (Zelda) who has a tendency to bolt out the door at any opportunity (we are sorry for any inconvenience!) I am an administrator of this web page and would welcome any input on additions that would be helpful. I am working on a bulleting board feature to advertise odd jobs, opportunities, needs, garage sales, items for sale or give away, babysitters?!, and anything else of interest to our neighbors. We're looking forward to getting to know everyone in our community.

Registered: 08/30/2002
Last login: 08/30/2002
Respect-O-Meter: Valued Neighbor
Activity on Neighborhood Link
Discussion Posts: 1 (1 topic, 0 replies)
Pages Created: 0
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