Profile for jbdrew

Bio Details

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Our Humans

Just so we set the scenario straight, Macey and I allow John and Tracy (they both work at IUPUI don't ya know) the luxury of living here only because they have opposing thumbs and coins are hard for us to handle, and with the cost of living now days you really need someone who can pay the bills.

Labs need a place to run.

Ty and I chose this place because of the wonderful 1/2 acre woods in our back yard, we lovingly refer to it as the ''stick farm'' and allow our humans the opportunity to clean it almost weekly (you can't give them too much free time ya know).

No Marsupials Allowed

Just a note so y'all know, we will not permit any marsupials or rodents in our space, our mom and dad get really mad when we drag one of their lousy carcusses up on the deck so let this be fair warning, respectfully Ty and Macey

Email us:

Location: Indianapolis, IN
Registered: 06/19/2006
Last login: 08/28/2008
Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor
Activity on Neighborhood Link
Discussion Posts: 78 (15 topics, 63 replies)
Pages Created: 6
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